Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


card – and thus your initiative for the round– with another player character. This can bedone at the start of the fight or at the startof the round, but never during a round. Youand the other player character must be ableto speak to each other to exchange initiatives.You can exchange initiative cards with anenemy through the FEINT action (see CloseCombat).EXAMPLEOn their way from the old ruined castle, afew cheap gems and old books being all theyhave to show for it, Nirmena the half-elfand Tyrgar the dwarf are spotted by threeorcs at the edge of the forest. They grinand get ready for a fight. All five drawan initiative card each. Nirmena draws6, Tyrgar 4, and the orcs 2, 3 and 9. Theinitiative order is Orc 1, Orc 2, Tyrgar,Nirmena, Orc 3.SLOW ACTIONS &FAST ACTIONSWhen it is your turn to act, you can performone slow action and one fast action, or two fastactions. A slow action usually consists of rollingfor a skill. A fast action is quicker anddoesn’t always require a dice roll, but can doso. See the lists of typical slow and fast actionsbelow. How these work is explained in detailin the sections Close Combat and RangedCombat, later in this chapter.PREREQUISITES: Some actions can only beperformed if certain conditions are met. Oftenthis is a feature of the weapon you are using.Features of weapons and other items are explainedlater in this chapter.NON-PLAYER CHARACTERSIn typical conflicts, the GMdraws one initiative card perNPC. If there are a lot of NPCsand the number of combatantsis above ten, the GM willsplit the NPCs into groups. Allthe NPCs with identical statswill form a single group, andthe GM will draw one initiativecard per group instead of oneper individual. All the NPCs in agroup act at the same time inthe turn order. In what orderthey act individually within thegroup is up to the GM.MONSTERSThe kind of horrible creaturesthat are commonly calledmonsters don’t act as regularenemies in combat. Monstersdraw initiative normally, butthen follow their own rules.Read more in Chapter 5 of theGamemaster’s Guide.85combat & damage

SLOW ACTIONSACTION PREREQUISITE SKILLSlash Edged or Blunt weapon MeleeStab Pointed weapon MeleePunch/Kick/ UnarmedMeleeBiteGrapple Unarmed MeleeBreak Free You are Grappled MeleeShoot Ranged weapon MarksmanshipPersuade The opponent can hear you ManipulationTaunt The opponent can hear you PerformanceCast Spell You are a Druid or a Sorcerer None, see Chapter 6Flee No enemy at Arm’s Length MoveCrawl You are prone NoneCharge At Near range Melee Charge talentDESCRIBE YOUR ACTIONSWhen it’s your turn to act, simply state whichactions you wish to perform and roll dice to seeif you are successful. Some actions will giveyour opponent the opportunity to perform areactive action, read more under Close Combatand Ranged Combat.HELPING OTHERSIf you help another player character or NPC toperform an action, it costs you one action ofthe same kind (slow or fast). You have to stateif you help someone before any dice are rolled.Helping others breaks the initiative order inthe round. You can read more about helping inChapter 3.EMBELLISH!The list of actions is fairly comprehensive,but provides no details. It is up toyou as a player to describe exactly whatyour adventurer does, how she lookswhen she attacks and what she feelswhen she raises her sword to attack…ZONES & RANGEThe combat area is divided into zones. A zone isa room or an area of ground. How big a zone isvaries – from a few steps across up to about 2586chapter 5



Slash Edged or Blunt weapon Melee

Stab Pointed weapon Melee

Punch/Kick/ Unarmed



Grapple Unarmed Melee

Break Free You are Grappled Melee

Shoot Ranged weapon Marksmanship

Persuade The opponent can hear you Manipulation

Taunt The opponent can hear you Performance

Cast Spell You are a Druid or a Sorcerer None, see Chapter 6

Flee No enemy at Arm’s Length Move

Crawl You are prone None

Charge At Near range Melee Charge talent


When it’s your turn to act, simply state which

actions you wish to perform and roll dice to see

if you are successful. Some actions will give

your opponent the opportunity to perform a

reactive action, read more under Close Combat

and Ranged Combat.


If you help another player character or NPC to

perform an action, it costs you one action of

the same kind (slow or fast). You have to state

if you help someone before any dice are rolled.

Helping others breaks the initiative order in

the round. You can read more about helping in

Chapter 3.


The list of actions is fairly comprehensive,

but provides no details. It is up to

you as a player to describe exactly what

your adventurer does, how she looks

when she attacks and what she feels

when she raises her sword to attack…


The combat area is divided into zones. A zone is

a room or an area of ground. How big a zone is

varies – from a few steps across up to about 25


chapter 5

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