Forbidden Lands Players Handbook

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card – and thus your initiative for the round

– with another player character. This can be

done at the start of the fight or at the start

of the round, but never during a round. You

and the other player character must be able

to speak to each other to exchange initiatives.

You can exchange initiative cards with an

enemy through the FEINT action (see Close



On their way from the old ruined castle, a

few cheap gems and old books being all they

have to show for it, Nirmena the half-elf

and Tyrgar the dwarf are spotted by three

orcs at the edge of the forest. They grin

and get ready for a fight. All five draw

an initiative card each. Nirmena draws

6, Tyrgar 4, and the orcs 2, 3 and 9. The

initiative order is Orc 1, Orc 2, Tyrgar,

Nirmena, Orc 3.



When it is your turn to act, you can perform

one slow action and one fast action, or two fast

actions. A slow action usually consists of rolling

for a skill. A fast action is quicker and

doesn’t always require a dice roll, but can do

so. See the lists of typical slow and fast actions

below. How these work is explained in detail

in the sections Close Combat and Ranged

Combat, later in this chapter.

PREREQUISITES: Some actions can only be

performed if certain conditions are met. Often

this is a feature of the weapon you are using.

Features of weapons and other items are explained

later in this chapter.


In typical conflicts, the GM

draws one initiative card per

NPC. If there are a lot of NPCs

and the number of combatants

is above ten, the GM will

split the NPCs into groups. All

the NPCs with identical stats

will form a single group, and

the GM will draw one initiative

card per group instead of one

per individual. All the NPCs in a

group act at the same time in

the turn order. In what order

they act individually within the

group is up to the GM.


The kind of horrible creatures

that are commonly called

monsters don’t act as regular

enemies in combat. Monsters

draw initiative normally, but

then follow their own rules.

Read more in Chapter 5 of the

Gamemaster’s Guide.


combat & damage

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