Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


✥✥halberd, or trident, you may immediatelystrike an enemy who moves from NEARrange to ARM’S LENGTH from you. Theattack counts towards your actions inthe round, but breaks the turn order andoccurs before the enemy can attack you.RANK 3: You can add a D8 Artifact Die toattacks with a spear, halberd, or trident.STEADY FEETYou have good balance and cannot be knockedover easily.✥✥RANK 1: SHOVING you to the groundrequires two x instead of one.✥✥RANK 2: You cannot be SHOVED to theground.✥✥RANK 3: You get up from a prone positionwithout spending an action on it. It stillneeds to happen at your turn in the round.SWORD FIGHTERYou have practiced with a sword in hand sinceyou were a child.✥✥RANK 1: Your attack and PARRY rolls aremodified by +1 when you fight with a sword.✥✥RANK 2: You can SLASH two enemies withyour sword with a single action. Roll separatelyfor the two attacks. If you use hiddencombinations (see page 94), the secondattack occurs outside of the combination.✥✥RANK 3: You can add a D8 Artifact Die toall attack and PARRY rolls with a sword.TAILORYou know the art of turning wool into cloth,and to craft that cloth into clothes.✥✥RANK 1: With a successful CRAFTING roll,you can turn up to D6 units of WOOL intoCLOTH. If you fail, the WOOL is destroyed.If you have access to a TAILOR SHOP (seepage 171), you can create CLOTH fasterand without rolling dice. You can alsouse CRAFTING to sew clothes of normal81talents

✥✥✥✥quality, similar to to what’s found in theequipment lists on page 190.RANK 2: You can make clothes of superiorquality, which can be sold at twice the normalprice. Your roll is modified by –2.RANK 3: You can make clothes of exceptionalquality, which can be sold atfour times the normal price. Your roll ismodified by –4.TANNERYou know the art of turning pelts into leather,and to craft that leather into armor.✥✥RANK 1: With a successful CRAFTING roll,you can turn up to D6 units of PELTSinto LEATHER. If you fail, the PELTS aredestroyed. If you have access to a TANNERY(see page 172), you can create LEATHERfaster and without rolling dice. You canalso use the CRAFTING skill to make leatherarmor with normal stats according tothe armor table on page 106.✥✥RANK 2: You can make leather armorwith an Armor Rating that is one pointhigher than normal. This takes twice aslong, and your roll is modified by –2.✥✥RANK 3: You can make leather armor withan Armor Rating that is two points higherthan normal. This takes four times aslong and your roll is modified by –4.THREATENINGYou have a scary physical presence and canthreaten people to make them do what you want.✥✥RANK 1: You can roll MIGHT instead ofMANIPULATE when you threaten someone✥✥✥✥to make them do what youwant. If you succeed, youropponent cannot demandanything in return fromyou. He can stillchoose to attack you.RANK 2: As per rank1, and your MIGHTroll is modifiedby +1 when youthreaten someone.RANK 3: As per rank2, and you can add a D8Artifact Die to your roll when youthreaten someone.THROWING ARMYou can hit anything with a thrown rock.✥✥RANK 1: Your attack rolls are modifiedby +1 when you use a thrown weapon or asling.✥✥RANK 2: You can throw incredibly far. Allattacks with a thrown weapon or a slinghave LONG range.✥✥RANK 3: You can add a D8 Artifact Die toattacks with a thrown weapon or a sling.WANDERERYou can travel on foot through the wildernessfor a long time without stopping for rest.✥✥RANK 1: Your ENDURANCE roll is modifiedby +1 when you force march (see page 146).✥✥RANK 2: Your ENDURANCE rolls for forcedmarches succeed automatically.✥✥RANK 3: HIKING for a Quarter Day countsas REST for you.82chapter 4


halberd, or trident, you may immediately

strike an enemy who moves from NEAR

range to ARM’S LENGTH from you. The

attack counts towards your actions in

the round, but breaks the turn order and

occurs before the enemy can attack you.

RANK 3: You can add a D8 Artifact Die to

attacks with a spear, halberd, or trident.


You have good balance and cannot be knocked

over easily.


RANK 1: SHOVING you to the ground

requires two x instead of one.


RANK 2: You cannot be SHOVED to the



RANK 3: You get up from a prone position

without spending an action on it. It still

needs to happen at your turn in the round.


You have practiced with a sword in hand since

you were a child.


RANK 1: Your attack and PARRY rolls are

modified by +1 when you fight with a sword.


RANK 2: You can SLASH two enemies with

your sword with a single action. Roll separately

for the two attacks. If you use hidden

combinations (see page 94), the second

attack occurs outside of the combination.


RANK 3: You can add a D8 Artifact Die to

all attack and PARRY rolls with a sword.


You know the art of turning wool into cloth,

and to craft that cloth into clothes.


RANK 1: With a successful CRAFTING roll,

you can turn up to D6 units of WOOL into

CLOTH. If you fail, the WOOL is destroyed.

If you have access to a TAILOR SHOP (see

page 171), you can create CLOTH faster

and without rolling dice. You can also

use CRAFTING to sew clothes of normal



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