Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


honor and fame by killing beasts and monsters.✥✥✥✥✥✥RANK 1: All your attacks against monstersare modified by +1.RANK 2: Your attacks against monsterscause 1 additional point of damage.RANK 3: You can add a D8 Artifact Die toyour roll in attacks against monsters.EXECUTIONERYou know where to strike to make sure youropponent falls and does not get up again. Ever.✥✥RANK 1: When you inflict a critical injuryon your opponent, you can reroll once.The highest roll counts.✥✥RANK 2: As per rank 1, but you can alsoreverse the D66 roll for the critical injury– a roll of 16 becomes 61, for example.✥✥RANK 3: When you inflict a critical injuryon your enemy, you may choose freelyfrom the relevant list.COMMENT: If your opponent has the talentLUCKY, these talents cancel each other out.One rank in LUCKY cancels out one rank ofEXECUTIONER.FAST FOOTWORKYou are fast and quick on your feet, and hard tohit in combat.✥✥RANK 1: You can DODGE for free once inevery round of combat. The extra DODGEdoesn’t count toward your actions in theround.✥✥RANK 2: You get a +1 bonus whenever youDODGE.✥✥RANK 3: You can DODGE an unlimitednumber of times in the same round ofcombat, but only once against the same attack.Only the first DODGE counts towardsyour actions in the round.FAST SHOOTERYou can fire your bow or sling lightning fast.Hunters can combine this talent with PATH OFTHE ARROW.✥✥RANK 1: You don’t need to PREPARE beforeyou SHOOT with a ranged weapon. Doesnot apply to crossbows.✥✥RANK 2: You can SHOOT with a rangedweapon and RUN at the same time.✥✥RANK 3: You only need to spend a fastaction to SHOOT with a ranged weapon,meaning you can SHOOT twice in a round.FEARLESSNot even the horrors that lurk in the ForbiddenLands scare you.✥✥RANK 1: You can roll an INSIGHT roll as“armor” against fear attacks – each xrolled eliminates one x rolled in the fearattack. The INSIGHT roll does not count asan action.✥✥RANK 2: You can choose to have damagefrom a fear attack decrease your Empathyinstead of your Wits.✥✥RANK 3: You are immune to fear attacks.FIRM GRIPIt takes a lot for you to lose your grip on yourweapon.✥✥RANK 1: DISARMING you requires an extra75talents

✥✥✥✥x – that is, two x for a one-handedweapon and three x for a two-handedweapon.RANK 2: DISARMING you requires two extrax – three x for a one-handed weaponand four x for a two-handed weapon.RANK 3: You cannot be DISARMED.✥✥✥✥✥✥RANK 1: Your SURVIVAL roll is modifiedby +1 when you FORAGE during journeys.Read more about journeys in Chapter 7.RANK 2: Walking the lands sets you atease. A Quarter Day spent FORAGINGcounts as RESTING for you.RANK 3: The amount of VEGETABLES youfind when FORAGING is doubled.FISHERYou have mastered the art of pulling fish fromrivers and lakes. You need a net, a rod, or someother piece of fishing equipment. Read moreabout fishing in Chapter 7.✥✥RANK 1: Your roll for SURVIVAL is modifiedby +1 when you FISH.✥✥RANK 2: Fishing sets you at ease. A QuarterDay spent FISHING counts as RESTINGfor you.✥✥RANK 3: The amount of FISH you catch isdoubled.HAMMER FIGHTERBashing heads in with a sturdy warhammer isyour idea of a good day in the Forbidden Lands.✥✥RANK 1: You get +1 to all attack rolls witha BLUNT melee weapon.✥✥RANK 2: All attacks with a BLUNT weaponinflict at least 1 point of damage, even ifthe target’s armor absorbs all damage.✥✥RANK 3: You can add a D8 Artifact Die toall attack rolls with a BLUNT weapon.HERBALISTYou know the difference between edible plantsand regular weeds.HORSEBACK FIGHTERYou are trained in the art of fightning fromthe back of a mount. All of the effects belowrequire you to be in an OPEN zone (see page 88).✥✥RANK 1: You can fire a short bow or slingfrom a mount.✥✥RANK 2: You get a +1 bonus to all meleeattacks from a mount.✥✥RANK 3: You can make a MOUNTEDCHARGE attack from a mount. Thiscombines a full movement action bythe mount (from at least SHORT rangeto ARM’S LENGTH) with a melee attack byyou. You can add a D8 Artifact Die to themelee attack.INCORRUPTIBLEWhen others try to affect you, you are as immovableas a mighty oak in the wind.✥✥RANK 1: Your INSIGHT roll is modified by+1 when someone attempts to MANIPU-LATE you.✥✥RANK 2: You can add a D8 Artifact Dieto your roll when someone MANIPULATESyou.✥✥RANK 3: You cannot be MANIPULATED.76chapter 4

honor and fame by killing beasts and monsters.




RANK 1: All your attacks against monsters

are modified by +1.

RANK 2: Your attacks against monsters

cause 1 additional point of damage.

RANK 3: You can add a D8 Artifact Die to

your roll in attacks against monsters.


You know where to strike to make sure your

opponent falls and does not get up again. Ever.


RANK 1: When you inflict a critical injury

on your opponent, you can reroll once.

The highest roll counts.


RANK 2: As per rank 1, but you can also

reverse the D66 roll for the critical injury

– a roll of 16 becomes 61, for example.


RANK 3: When you inflict a critical injury

on your enemy, you may choose freely

from the relevant list.

COMMENT: If your opponent has the talent

LUCKY, these talents cancel each other out.

One rank in LUCKY cancels out one rank of



You are fast and quick on your feet, and hard to

hit in combat.


RANK 1: You can DODGE for free once in

every round of combat. The extra DODGE

doesn’t count toward your actions in the



RANK 2: You get a +1 bonus whenever you



RANK 3: You can DODGE an unlimited

number of times in the same round of

combat, but only once against the same attack.

Only the first DODGE counts towards

your actions in the round.


You can fire your bow or sling lightning fast.

Hunters can combine this talent with PATH OF



RANK 1: You don’t need to PREPARE before

you SHOOT with a ranged weapon. Does

not apply to crossbows.


RANK 2: You can SHOOT with a ranged

weapon and RUN at the same time.


RANK 3: You only need to spend a fast

action to SHOOT with a ranged weapon,

meaning you can SHOOT twice in a round.


Not even the horrors that lurk in the Forbidden

Lands scare you.


RANK 1: You can roll an INSIGHT roll as

“armor” against fear attacks – each x

rolled eliminates one x rolled in the fear

attack. The INSIGHT roll does not count as

an action.


RANK 2: You can choose to have damage

from a fear attack decrease your Empathy

instead of your Wits.


RANK 3: You are immune to fear attacks.


It takes a lot for you to lose your grip on your



RANK 1: DISARMING you requires an extra



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