Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


PATH OF THE KILLERBattles are not always fought in the open andwith steel clashing against steel. Another, lessheroic type of fight takes place in the shadows,with hidden weapons and unsuspecting victims.✥✥RANK 1: When you succeed with a SNEAKATTACK (see page 90), you can spend WillpowerPoints to increase damage. EveryWP you spend increases damage by 1.✥✥RANK 2: By spending a WP, you can slitheryour way out of any restraints or pushyourself through the smallest of openings,down to a few inches wide.✥✥RANK 3: You can make others do your jobfor you through the power of hypnosis.By spending a WP, you can force youropponent to perform a specific action at atime of your choosing. However, you mustspeak to your opponent for a short timebefore you can use this talent.PATH OF POISONYou always carry an assortment of poisons.Your collection counts as one TINY item anddoesn’t encumber you.✥✥RANK 1: By spending a Willpower Point,you can pull out one dose of lethal poison✥✥✥✥(see page 113) with a Potency equal to thenumber of WP you spend multiplied by 3.RANK 2: As per rank 1, but you can alsochoose another kind of poison. See theexamples on page 113.RANK 3: As per rank 2, but you can alsochoose to have the poison already appliedto one of your weapons, for example, rightbefore an attack (see page 114). Using thistalent does not count as an action.COMMENT: If you lose your collection of poisons,you must get a new one before you can usethis talent again. This requires a visit to a tradingpost of some kind and that you spend a WPand 2D6 silver.THE SORCERER’STALENTSAs a Sorcerer, you can learn the following fourprofession talents. The Sorcerer’s talents areall about magic, and determine which spellsyou can cast. You get rank 1 in one of thesetalents at character creation. Read more aboutmagic in Chapter 6.PATH OF BLOODThe rank of this talent determines which spellsyou can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.✥✥RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells fromthe Blood Magic discipline.✥✥RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2spells from the Blood Magic discipline.71talents

✥✥RANK 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spellsfrom the Blood Magic discipline.PATH OF DEATHThe rank of this talent determines which spellsyou can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.✥✥RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells fromthe Death Magic discipline.✥✥RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2spells from the Death Magic discipline.✥✥RANK 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spellsfrom the Death Magic discipline.✥✥RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells fromthe Stone Song discipline.✥✥RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2spells from the Stone Song discipline.✥✥RANK 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spellsfrom the Stone Song discipline.GENERALTALENTSAll player characters can learn general talents.Learning a new talent costs 3 XP. At charactercreation, you get a number of general talentsdepending on your age.AMBIDEXTROUSPATH OF SIGNSThe rank of this talent determines which spellsyou can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.✥✥Rank 1: You can cast rank 1 spells from theSymbolism discipline.✥✥Rank 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2spells from the Symbolism discipline.✥✥Rank 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spellsfrom the Symbolism discipline.You are skilled in the art of fighting with oneclose combat weapon in each hand. You have aprimary weapon in your favored (or sword) handand a secondary weapon in your other hand.You can draw both weapons with a single DRAWWEAPON action.PATH OF STONEThe rank of this talent determines which spellsyou can use. Read more about magic in Chapter6.72chapter 4


Battles are not always fought in the open and

with steel clashing against steel. Another, less

heroic type of fight takes place in the shadows,

with hidden weapons and unsuspecting victims.


RANK 1: When you succeed with a SNEAK

ATTACK (see page 90), you can spend Willpower

Points to increase damage. Every

WP you spend increases damage by 1.


RANK 2: By spending a WP, you can slither

your way out of any restraints or push

yourself through the smallest of openings,

down to a few inches wide.


RANK 3: You can make others do your job

for you through the power of hypnosis.

By spending a WP, you can force your

opponent to perform a specific action at a

time of your choosing. However, you must

speak to your opponent for a short time

before you can use this talent.


You always carry an assortment of poisons.

Your collection counts as one TINY item and

doesn’t encumber you.


RANK 1: By spending a Willpower Point,

you can pull out one dose of lethal poison



(see page 113) with a Potency equal to the

number of WP you spend multiplied by 3.

RANK 2: As per rank 1, but you can also

choose another kind of poison. See the

examples on page 113.

RANK 3: As per rank 2, but you can also

choose to have the poison already applied

to one of your weapons, for example, right

before an attack (see page 114). Using this

talent does not count as an action.

COMMENT: If you lose your collection of poisons,

you must get a new one before you can use

this talent again. This requires a visit to a trading

post of some kind and that you spend a WP

and 2D6 silver.



As a Sorcerer, you can learn the following four

profession talents. The Sorcerer’s talents are

all about magic, and determine which spells

you can cast. You get rank 1 in one of these

talents at character creation. Read more about

magic in Chapter 6.


The rank of this talent determines which spells

you can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.


RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells from

the Blood Magic discipline.


RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2

spells from the Blood Magic discipline.



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