Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


cious of pursuers. You can spend WillpowerPoints in combat to avoid being hit by physicalattacks (see Chapter 5). Every WP spent eliminatesone x the attacker rolls.THE WOLFKIN TALENT:HUNTING INSTINCTSThe wolfkin have a powerful sense of smelland can track their prey for days once they havecaught their scent. You can spend WillpowerPoints to designate a person or a creature as yourprey. Your prey must be within line of sight, orthere must be a scent to follow. The number ofWP you spend equals the number of days that youcan follow your prey’s scent. In combat, all yourattacks against your prey get a +1 bonus per WPspent, until the creature is Broken or until youchoose to let your prey go.WILLPOWER FOR NPCSUnlike PCs, NPCs don’t haveindividual Willpower Points.Instead, the GM has a poolof WP to activate kin talentsand professional talents forall NPCs. At the start of eachgame session, the GM gets anumber of WP equal to theplayers’ total amount. The GMcan earn more WP by pushingrolls just like players, but shecannot save any WP from onesession to the next.THE ORC TALENT:UNBREAKABLEThe orcs were created to serve. Their bodiesare strong, and they are very resilient whenit comes to pain and punishment. When youare Broken by any kind of damage (see page107), you can spend Willpower Points to immediatelyget back on your feet. For everypoint you spend, you recover 1 point of theBroken attribute. You cannot use this talentunless you are Broken. The talent does notaffect critical injuries.THE GOBLIN TALENT: SNEAKYGoblins are often considered sneaky and untrustworthyby other kin, and many do theirbest to live up their infamy. When rollingfor STEALTH, you can spend Willpower Pointswhich are automatically turned into extra x.You may even roll first and spend WP afteryou see how the roll goes.THE DRUID’STALENTSAs a Druid, you can learn the following threeprofession talents. The Druid’s talents are allabout magic, and determine which spells youcan cast. You get rank 1 in one of these talentsat character creation. Read more about magicin Chapter 6.63talents

PATH OF HEALINGYour calling is to use the forces of nature to healand nurture the injured and the lost souls. Therank of this talent determines which spells youcan use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.✥✥RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells fromthe Healing discipline.✥✥RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2spells from the Healing discipline.✥✥RANK 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spellsfrom the Healing discipline.rank of this talent determines which spells youcan use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.✥✥RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells fromthe Awareness discipline.✥✥RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2spells from the Awareness discipline.✥✥RANK 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spellsfrom the Awareness discipline.THE FIGHTER’STALENTSThe following three profession talents areavailable to Fighters. You get rank 1 in one ofthese talents at character creation.PATH OF SHIFTING SHAPESYou are one with the feral creatures of theworld and can assume their attributes or eventake their form. The rank of this talent determineswhich spells you can use. Read moreabout magic in Chapter 6.✥✥RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells fromthe Shapeshifting discipline.✥✥RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2spells from the Shapeshifting discipline.✥✥RANK 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spellsfrom the Shapeshifting discipline.PATH OF SIGHTYou can see beyond sight, and your inner eye cansee what has happened and what will happen. ThePATH OF THE BLADEYou are one with your blade. You practice withyour weapon every day and know all its qualities,as if it were part of your own body.✥✥RANK 1: When you hit with a close combatattack, you can spend a Willpower Point tofind a weakness in your opponent’s armoror natural armor. The armor has no effectagainst your attack.✥✥RANK 2: Once you have used up all your actionsduring the round, you can spend a WPto immediately attack again in close combat.✥✥RANK 3: When you hit with a close combatattack, you can increase the damage byspending WP. Every point spent increasesdamage by 1. You must state how manyWP you use before your opponent rolls forarmor.64chapter 4


Your calling is to use the forces of nature to heal

and nurture the injured and the lost souls. The

rank of this talent determines which spells you

can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.


RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells from

the Healing discipline.


RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2

spells from the Healing discipline.


RANK 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spells

from the Healing discipline.

rank of this talent determines which spells you

can use. Read more about magic in Chapter 6.


RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells from

the Awareness discipline.


RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2

spells from the Awareness discipline.


RANK 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spells

from the Awareness discipline.



The following three profession talents are

available to Fighters. You get rank 1 in one of

these talents at character creation.


You are one with the feral creatures of the

world and can assume their attributes or even

take their form. The rank of this talent determines

which spells you can use. Read more

about magic in Chapter 6.


RANK 1: You can cast rank 1 spells from

the Shapeshifting discipline.


RANK 2: You can cast rank 1 and rank 2

spells from the Shapeshifting discipline.


RANK 3: You can cast rank 1, 2 and 3 spells

from the Shapeshifting discipline.


You can see beyond sight, and your inner eye can

see what has happened and what will happen. The


You are one with your blade. You practice with

your weapon every day and know all its qualities,

as if it were part of your own body.


RANK 1: When you hit with a close combat

attack, you can spend a Willpower Point to

find a weakness in your opponent’s armor

or natural armor. The armor has no effect

against your attack.


RANK 2: Once you have used up all your actions

during the round, you can spend a WP

to immediately attack again in close combat.


RANK 3: When you hit with a close combat

attack, you can increase the damage by

spending WP. Every point spent increases

damage by 1. You must state how many

WP you use before your opponent rolls for



chapter 4

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