Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


TALENTSBredeman the minstrel sang through broken teeth and lips toplease his captors, in a voice much too large for his scrawnybody. Not until blood poured from the ears of the warriors andgiant Handra fell from her bench, did the horsemen realizewhat was going on. By then it was already too late.As adventurers in the Forbidden Landsyou work towards a common goal, butyou also need to find your own niche,something no one else can do. Such tricks andabilities are called talents. Talents can changehow you use skills, how you recover from damage,or allow you to do things that would beimpossible for others.and profession talents are more powerful thangeneral talents, but they require that you spendWillpower Points (WP). You gain WP by pushingdice rolls (see page 44).STARTING TALENTSAt the start of the game, you can choose a numberof talents based on your kin, your profession,and your age. Read more about this in Chapter2. You can increase the rank of your talents andlearn more talents during the course of the game.TYPES OF TALENTSThere are three kinds of talents: kin talents,profession talents, and general talents. Kin59talents

LIST OF TALENTSKIN TALENTSThe Human Talent: AdaptiveThe Elf Talent: Inner PeaceThe Half-Elf Talent: Psychic PowerThe Dwarf Talent: True GritThe Halfling Talent: Hard to CatchThe Wolfkin Talent: HuntingInstinctsThe Orc Talent: UnbreakableThe Goblin Talent: SneakyTHE DRUID’S TALENTSPath of HealingPath of Shifting ShapesPath of SightTHE FIGHTER’S TALENTSPath of The BladePath of The EnemyPath of The ShieldTHE HUNTER’S TALENTSPath of The ArrowPath of The BeastPath of The ForestTHE MINSTREL’S TALENTSPath of The HymnPath of The SongPath of The WarcryTHE PEDDLER’S TALENTSPath of GoldPath of LiesPath of Many ThingsTHE RIDER’S TALENTSPath of The CompanionPath of The KnightPath of The PlainsTHE ROGUE’S TALENTSPath of The FacePath of The KillerPath of PoisonTHE SORCERER’S TALENTSPath of BloodPath of DeathPath of SignsPath of StoneGENERAL TALENTSAmbidextrousAxe FighterBerserkerBowyerBrawlerBuilderChefCold BloodedDefender60chapter 4


Bredeman the minstrel sang through broken teeth and lips to

please his captors, in a voice much too large for his scrawny

body. Not until blood poured from the ears of the warriors and

giant Handra fell from her bench, did the horsemen realize

what was going on. By then it was already too late.

As adventurers in the Forbidden Lands

you work towards a common goal, but

you also need to find your own niche,

something no one else can do. Such tricks and

abilities are called talents. Talents can change

how you use skills, how you recover from damage,

or allow you to do things that would be

impossible for others.

and profession talents are more powerful than

general talents, but they require that you spend

Willpower Points (WP). You gain WP by pushing

dice rolls (see page 44).


At the start of the game, you can choose a number

of talents based on your kin, your profession,

and your age. Read more about this in Chapter

2. You can increase the rank of your talents and

learn more talents during the course of the game.


There are three kinds of talents: kin talents,

profession talents, and general talents. Kin



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