Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


SAVE A LIFE: The most important applicationof HEALING is giving first aid and saving the lifeof a fallen comrade who has suffered a criticalinjury. A failed roll at this point could mean theend for your patient, so be careful! Read moreabout critical injuries on page 108.SURVIVALPERFORMANCE (EMPATHY)Singing and performing are highly valued inthe Forbidden Lands. The land is permeatedby legends and myths, passed on by the peoplethrough generations. The PERFORMANCE skillcan be used in several ways.RECOVERY: When a comrade has her Wits orEmpathy Broken, you can use PERFORMANCEto bring her back to her feet, in the same wayas HEALING can recover Strength and Agility.Your subject immediately recovers a number ofattribute points equal to the number of x youroll. Read more in Chapter 5.TAUNT ENEMIES: You can use a slow action(see page 85) to taunt an enemy in combat. Theenemy must be in SHORT range and be able tounderstand your language. You cannot tauntmonsters or animals. Roll an opposed roll forPERFORMANCE versus INSIGHT. If you succeed,choose one of the following effects:✥✥The enemy is angered and has to direct hisnext attack towards you, if at all possible.✥✥The enemy is distracted and his next roll ismodified by –1. If you roll more x than youinitially needed to win, the enemy’s next rollis modified by an additional –1 for every x.Feel free to embellish your insults to the enemyat the gaming table!INSIGHT57skills

ANIMAL HANDLING (EMPATHY)The Forbidden Lands are full of horrible beastsand monsters, but there are also plenty of regularanimals in the forests, on the plains, and in themountains – these can be dangerous as well. Animalsare either wild or tame. The ANIMAL HAN-DLING skill can be used in several different ways:RIDE: Any adventurer can sit on a horse or anothertype of mount without falling off, but moreadvanced maneuvers can require a skill roll. ANI-MAL HANDLING replaces MOVE when you attemptdifficult jumps or other maneuvers on beastback.Use the mount’s AGILITY in these cases to determinethe number of Base Dice for the roll, notyour EMPATHY. You can push the roll, but yourun the risk of exhausting the mount.COMMAND TAME ANIMALS: Using ANIMALHANDLING, you can attempt to command a tameanimal to do your bidding. The actions you wantit to perform must be simple and within theframework of the animal’s normal behavior. TheGM decides what is reasonable. An attempt to dothis takes at least a few minutes.TAME WILD ANIMALS: When you encountera wild animal, you can attempt to discourage itfrom attacking by communicating on a primallevel. You must be at CLOSE range or closer, andyou must be aware of the animal’s presence.Roll an opposed roll for ANIMAL HANDLINGagainst the animal’s STRENGTH – larger animalsare harder to frighten off.Through a longer period of work, you canalso use ANIMAL HANDLING to tame a wildanimal. The animal must be caught, and tosuccessfully tame it you must use ANIMALHANDLING successfully as many times as theanimal’s STRENGTH, spread out over an equalnumber of days. You must spend a Quarter Day(see page 144) every day taming the animal, orthe process begins anew.Please note that you cannot tame monsters,only animals (see the table on page 124of the Gamemaster’s Guide).HEALING58chapter 3


The Forbidden Lands are full of horrible beasts

and monsters, but there are also plenty of regular

animals in the forests, on the plains, and in the

mountains – these can be dangerous as well. Animals

are either wild or tame. The ANIMAL HAN-

DLING skill can be used in several different ways:

RIDE: Any adventurer can sit on a horse or another

type of mount without falling off, but more

advanced maneuvers can require a skill roll. ANI-

MAL HANDLING replaces MOVE when you attempt

difficult jumps or other maneuvers on beastback.

Use the mount’s AGILITY in these cases to determine

the number of Base Dice for the roll, not

your EMPATHY. You can push the roll, but you

run the risk of exhausting the mount.


HANDLING, you can attempt to command a tame

animal to do your bidding. The actions you want

it to perform must be simple and within the

framework of the animal’s normal behavior. The

GM decides what is reasonable. An attempt to do

this takes at least a few minutes.

TAME WILD ANIMALS: When you encounter

a wild animal, you can attempt to discourage it

from attacking by communicating on a primal

level. You must be at CLOSE range or closer, and

you must be aware of the animal’s presence.

Roll an opposed roll for ANIMAL HANDLING

against the animal’s STRENGTH – larger animals

are harder to frighten off.

Through a longer period of work, you can

also use ANIMAL HANDLING to tame a wild

animal. The animal must be caught, and to

successfully tame it you must use ANIMAL

HANDLING successfully as many times as the

animal’s STRENGTH, spread out over an equal

number of days. You must spend a Quarter Day

(see page 144) every day taming the animal, or

the process begins anew.

Please note that you cannot tame monsters,

only animals (see the table on page 124

of the Gamemaster’s Guide).



chapter 3

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