Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


LORE (WITS)Myths and legends are not just tales to amusearound the campfire. They often containvital knowledge about the ForbiddenLands that has been passed down throughgenerations. Roll for LORE when you wantto know more about an adventure site,an important NPC or an artifact. Ifyou succeed, you will remember a legend(see page 6) about it. Some legendsare available as premade handouts.STEALTHSURVIVAL (WITS)The Forbidden Lands are dangerous ground,where wild beasts roam the land. The ignorantcan lose their lives by choosing thewrong path through the woods or drinkingfrom the wrong water source. You can rollSURVIVAL in a number of different situationswhen you are traveling in the wilderness.Read more in Chapter 7.INSIGHT (WITS)Being able to read other people and see throughlies and deceit can be an important ability foran adventurer. Roll INSIGHT when someone istrying to MANIPULATE you (opposed roll). Readmore below.You can also use this skill to determinean NPC’s state of mind. You must be closeto the NPC and spend a few minutes observinghim. If your roll is successful, the GMmust tell you which is the NPC’s strongestemotion right now – for example hate, fear,contempt, or love.MANIPULATION (EMPATHY)MARKSMANSHIPLife in the Forbidden Lands is bloody, but youcan often reach your goals without violence,through charm, threats, or sensible reasoning.There are many methods to make another personsee things your way. Make an opposed roll(see page 49) with your MANIPULATION againstyour adversary’s INSIGHT. Your chances are af-55skills

NOT MIND CONTROLWhen you MANIPULATE someone,you do not take control of theirmind. What you are trying toconvince your adversary aboutmust be somewhat reasonable,otherwise the GM can disallow it.SCOUTINGfected both by your bargaining position andyour Reputation (see page 40).If you succeed, your adversary must eitherdo what you want or immediately attack youphysically.Even if your adversary chooses to do whatyou want, he can still demand something inreturn. The GM decides what that entails, butit should be reasonable enough for you to beable to meet those demands. It is up to you toaccept the agreement or not.BEING MANIPULATED: NPCs and other PCscan MANIPULATE you. If their roll succeeds,you must attack or offer a deal of some kind.Then it is up to the GM (or the other player)whether your adversary accepts or not.HEALING (EMPATHY)The Forbidden Lands are a dangerous place. Asan adventurer, there is a significant risk thatyou and your friends will be injured, sooner orlater. This is when the HEALING skill is useful. Itcan be used in two different ways:RECOVERY: A person who hassuffered so much damage toStrength or Agility that theattribute has been reduced tozero is Broken, and cannot act anyfurther. If you apply your HEALINGskills to her and your roll succeeds,she gets back on her feet and immediatelyrecovers a number of attributepoints equal to the number of x you roll.Read more about damage in Chapter 5.MANIPULATION56chapter 3


Myths and legends are not just tales to amuse

around the campfire. They often contain

vital knowledge about the Forbidden

Lands that has been passed down through

generations. Roll for LORE when you want

to know more about an adventure site,

an important NPC or an artifact. If

you succeed, you will remember a legend

(see page 6) about it. Some legends

are available as premade handouts.



The Forbidden Lands are dangerous ground,

where wild beasts roam the land. The ignorant

can lose their lives by choosing the

wrong path through the woods or drinking

from the wrong water source. You can roll

SURVIVAL in a number of different situations

when you are traveling in the wilderness.

Read more in Chapter 7.


Being able to read other people and see through

lies and deceit can be an important ability for

an adventurer. Roll INSIGHT when someone is

trying to MANIPULATE you (opposed roll). Read

more below.

You can also use this skill to determine

an NPC’s state of mind. You must be close

to the NPC and spend a few minutes observing

him. If your roll is successful, the GM

must tell you which is the NPC’s strongest

emotion right now – for example hate, fear,

contempt, or love.



Life in the Forbidden Lands is bloody, but you

can often reach your goals without violence,

through charm, threats, or sensible reasoning.

There are many methods to make another person

see things your way. Make an opposed roll

(see page 49) with your MANIPULATION against

your adversary’s INSIGHT. Your chances are af-



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