Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


COMBAT & DAMAGE 83Rounds & Initiative 83Slow & Fast Actions 85Zones & Range 86Ambushes & Sneak Attacks 90Close Combat 90Ranged Combat 97Social Conflict 98Weapons 100Damage 104Broken 107Recovery 108Critical Injuries 108Conditions 111Fear 112Darkness 112Falling 113Drowning 113Poison 113Disease 114Riding Animals 115MAGIC 116Spells 116General Spells 120Healing 123Shapeshifting 125Awareness 128Symbolism 130Stone Song 133Blood Magic 137Death Magic 139JOURNEYS 143The Map 143Quarters of the Day 144Hike 145Lead the Way 147Keep Watch 149Forage 150Hunt 151Fish 153Make Camp 154Rest 155Sleep 156Explore 157Sea Travel 157THE STRONGHOLD 158Establishing a Stronghold 158Effects of a Stronghold 159Functions & Hirelings 160Keeping Watch 164Upkeep 164Functions 165Hirelings 173Events at the Stronghold 175Battles at the Stronghold 175GEAR 179CRITICAL INJURIES 1963contents

INTRODUCTIONDid you hear the story of the Forbidden Lands? Beyond themountains, beyond the mists of the north? Once, it was calledthe Ravenland, our promised land. These days, strange creatureshaunt those valleys, beasts that should not be, for theland is cursed.Once, Zygofer the Spellbinder was oneof us, leading the passage through themountains into the new land. But whenfaced by the savage orcs, he opened dark gates toseek the help of demons. That was his undoing.Zygofer turned on us and placed himself on thethrone of the Ravenland, his daughter Theraniaby his side.To keep their vile corruption from spreading,our wise king built a great wall across the mountainpass and forbade all to ever speak of what hadhappened. Since then, the Spellbinder’s domain isknown as the Forbidden Lands.To this day, the demon-king and his daughterstill rule there. Using the feared Rust Brothers,and the demonic Blood Mist sucking the life out ofanyone who dared stray too far from their hearth,Zygofer and Therania have kept the human folkswho still live north of the wall under their heel.Yet, not all is lost. For now, the Blood Mist haslifted and there are those who dare defy the demon-kingand his daughter. Adventurers. Treasurehunters. Scoundrels. Not heroes, far from it,but men and women who dare travel the land asthey choose and make their own mark on it, unboundby any fate or story set for them. They huntfor ancient treasures, they fight whomsoever getsin their way, they build a new world for themselveson the ruins of the old.They are the raiders of the Forbidden Lands.FORBIDDENLANDSWelcome to Forbidden Lands. In this tabletoproleplaying game, you are not heroes sent onmissions dictated by others – instead, you areraiders and rogues bent on making your ownmark on a cursed world. You will wander thewild lands, discover lost tombs, fight mon-4chapter 1


Rounds & Initiative 83

Slow & Fast Actions 85

Zones & Range 86

Ambushes & Sneak Attacks 90

Close Combat 90

Ranged Combat 97

Social Conflict 98

Weapons 100

Damage 104

Broken 107

Recovery 108

Critical Injuries 108

Conditions 111

Fear 112

Darkness 112

Falling 113

Drowning 113

Poison 113

Disease 114

Riding Animals 115


Spells 116

General Spells 120

Healing 123

Shapeshifting 125

Awareness 128

Symbolism 130

Stone Song 133

Blood Magic 137

Death Magic 139


The Map 143

Quarters of the Day 144

Hike 145

Lead the Way 147

Keep Watch 149

Forage 150

Hunt 151

Fish 153

Make Camp 154

Rest 155

Sleep 156

Explore 157

Sea Travel 157


Establishing a Stronghold 158

Effects of a Stronghold 159

Functions & Hirelings 160

Keeping Watch 164

Upkeep 164

Functions 165

Hirelings 173

Events at the Stronghold 175

Battles at the Stronghold 175

GEAR 179




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