Forbidden Lands Players Handbook

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Every player character in Forbidden Lands has

a story. Many of the colorful individuals trying

their luck among the ruins have a checkered

past, filled with thrills and danger. You

are one of those people. You have experienced

something before the game begins that has left

its mark on you or still threatens you in some

way. This is called a Dark Secret.

There are three suggestions for Dark Secrets

for every profession – choose one of

these or make up your own, if you prefer that.

The Dark Secrets that you and the other PCs

have are first and foremost tools for the GM

to create stories with, but can also affect how

many Experience Points you get after a game

session (page 39).

sheet. There are suggestions to choose from

for each profession. You can also use them as

inspiration for your own ideas.

Your choices are also important for the

GM, as she can use them to create interesting

situations in the game.


When traveling in the Forbidden Lands, you

need the right gear. Villages are far apart, and

you need to be able to survive alone in the

wilds. You must write down all the items you

are carrying on your character sheet. Write

down one item per row on the sheet. If it’s not

listed on your sheet, you don’t have it with you.


Josie decides that her character’s Dark Secret

will be: “My yearning for more magical

power is stronger than anything else.”


As an adventurer, you look for riches in the

wild, but you are also an individual with personal

relationships with the other player characters.

You have been part of the same adventuring

group for a while and you know each

other fairly well.

When you create your player character, you

should describe your relationship with each

of the other player characters you know, with

a short sentence for each on your character

STARTING GEAR: Your profession determines

what gear you can choose from at the start of

the game. As a rule, you get one or more items

from the list of trade goods on page 182 (no

RARE items however). If it says, “a weapon of

your choice,” pick one from the weapon tables in

Chapter 5. You cannot choose a magical artifact.

In addition to these items, you are assumed

to have a knapsack and a waterskin. Gear used to

carry other gear does not count toward your encumbrance

and does not need to be noted down.


Monetary transactions in the Forbidden

Lands are generally made with silver coins or

just “silver” (see the boxed text on this page for

more information). Copper coins are used for

smaller transactions and for larger sums, gold


chapter 2

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