Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


PEDDLERBargaining, buying for little and selling for more,turning two silvers into three, has always been yourway to survive. While the Blood Mist lay thick acrossthe lands, trade between the villages was limitedand very local. Now, the mist has lifted, and theForbidden Lands and its treasures are yoursfor the taking or buying, then selling to the highestbidder. You are a Peddler.KEY ATTRIBUTE: EmpathySKILLS: Crafting, Sleight of Hand,Scouting, Insight, ManipulationTYPICAL NICKNAMES: Goldtooth,Silversmile, The HonestPRIDEChoose an option below or create your own:✥✥✥✥✥✥You have honest eyes.You can make anyone trust you.When you catch the scent of gold, nothingcan stop your pursuit of it.DARK SECRETChoose an option below or create your own:✥✥✥✥✥✥You owe silver to a powerful individual. Alot of silver.You conned a Rust Brother and now theyare bent on revenge.You don’t trust anyone and think they allwant to take your silver.RELATIONSHIPSChoose an option below or create your own:… owes you silver but doesn’t seem to want torepay it.… saved your life once. What does she want inreturn?… is your ticket to fame and riches. Stay close.GEARKnife, three items of your choice from the listof trade goods, D12 Silver.Resource Dice: Food D8, Water D827your adventurer

RIDERThe legends say that the animals in ancient time mockedthe humans for having only two legs. For that reason,your ancestors allied themselves with the horses on thegreat plains. Now, you have six legs together and handsto wield spear and bow. You ride faster than anyone,you strike, and you are gone before the enemy hasrealized what happened. You love the open plainsas the fiery blood of Aslene runs through your veins.You are a Rider.KEY ATTRIBUTE: AgilitySKILLS: Endurance, Melee, Marksmanship,Survival, Animal HandlingTYPICAL NICKNAMES: Spearhawk,Black Mane , WindriderPRIDEChoose an option below or create your own:✥✥✥✥✥✥Aslenians are nobler than other people.On your horse, you are faster than the wind.Horse or no horse, you never lose yourbalance.DARK SECRETChoose an option below or create your own:✥✥✥✥✥✥You enjoy setting things on fire – ostensiblyin the name of the god Horn, but youlike it, too.Your horse is more important to you thanany human. Others cannot understandyour bond.You panic in closed and cramped chambers.RELATIONSHIPSChoose an option below or create your own:… has the soul of a slave and needs to be set free.… is a loyal friend for whom you would giveyour life if it came to that.… shows you no respect and needs to be taughta lesson sooner or later.GEARA riding horse (choose one from the ForbiddenLands custom card deck if you have it), spear orhandaxe, short bow or sling, one item of yourchoice from the list of trade goods, D6 Silver.Resource Dice: Food D8, Water D8, Arrows D1028chapter 2


Bargaining, buying for little and selling for more,

turning two silvers into three, has always been your

way to survive. While the Blood Mist lay thick across

the lands, trade between the villages was limited

and very local. Now, the mist has lifted, and the

Forbidden Lands and its treasures are yours

for the taking or buying, then selling to the highest

bidder. You are a Peddler.


SKILLS: Crafting, Sleight of Hand,

Scouting, Insight, Manipulation


Silversmile, The Honest


Choose an option below or create your own:




You have honest eyes.

You can make anyone trust you.

When you catch the scent of gold, nothing

can stop your pursuit of it.


Choose an option below or create your own:




You owe silver to a powerful individual. A

lot of silver.

You conned a Rust Brother and now they

are bent on revenge.

You don’t trust anyone and think they all

want to take your silver.


Choose an option below or create your own:

… owes you silver but doesn’t seem to want to

repay it.

… saved your life once. What does she want in


… is your ticket to fame and riches. Stay close.


Knife, three items of your choice from the list

of trade goods, D12 Silver.

Resource Dice: Food D8, Water D8


your adventurer

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