Forbidden Lands Players Handbook

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Path of the Knight 69

Path of the Plains 70

Path of the Shield 65

Path of the Song 67

Path of the Warcry 67

Peddler 27

Peddler’s Talents 68

Performance 57

Pigsty 170

Players 5

Poison 113

Poisoner 78

Portal 133

Portcullis 170

Power Level 117

Power Rune 132

Pride 34, 50

Primal Soul 128

Profession 22

Psychic Power 62

Punch 92

Puppeteer 132

Purge Undead 124

Pushed Damage 110

Pushing 44


Quarry 170

Quarry Worker 174

Quartermaster 79

Quarters of the Day 144

Quickdraw 79


Raise the Dead 141

Ramparts 170

Range 88, 97

Ranged Combat 97

Ranged Weapons 188

Ranged Weapons 103

Rare 179

Ravenland 8

Raw Materials 192

Raw Materials 52, 179

Reactive Actions 91

Ready Weapon 97

Recovery 108

Relationships 36

Reputation 40

Resource Dice 38

Rest 155

Resurrection 124

Retreat 93

Rider 28

Rider’s Talents 69

Riding Animals 115

Rituals 118

Rogue 29

Rogue’s Talents 70

Root Cellar 170


Safe Casting 118

Sailor 79

Scouting 54

Scriptorium 170

Seasons 151

Sea Travel 157

Sea Travel Mishaps 156

Sense Magic 121

Serenity 124

Services 180

Shapeshifting 125

Sharpshooter 79

Sharp Tongue 79

Sheepfold 171

Shield Fighter 80

Shields 188

Shields 106

Shoot 98

Shooting Range 171

Shove 93

Shrine 171

Siege 177

Silver 37

Simple Items 52

Sixth Sense 80

Skill Dice 45

Skills 32, 42, 51

Slash 92

Sleep 156

Sleeping Poison 114

Sleepy 111

Sleight of Hand 54

Slow Actions 85, 86

Smith 80, 174

Sneak Attacks 90

Sneaky 63

Social Conflict 98

Sorcerer 30

Sorcerer’s Talents 71

Speak to the Dead 142

Spear Fighter 80



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