Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


TIME TALENT TOOLSOne Day Smith ForgeQuarter Day Smith Fire, 1 StoneQuarter Day Smith Fire, HammerQuarter Day Smith ForgeOne Day Smith ForgeOne Day Smith ForgeOne Day Smith ForgeQuarter Day Smith, Tailor ForgeTOOLSMineForge. It's possible to produce Iron without a Forge, but only 1 unit per Quarter Day. Itrequires a unit of Iron Ore and a Crafting roll.––QuarryForge. One unit of Glass can be produced per Quarter Day. It requires a difficult (–2)Crafting roll.Axe. A Quarter Day's work in a Forest or Dark Forest, and a successful Crafting roll, givesa number of units of Wood equal to the number of rolled x doubled.TanneryTailor ShopTailor ShopSheepfoldFieldPasture, Pigsty, or SheepfoldRead more about hunting on page 151.193gear

RAW MATERIALS, CONT.RAW MATERIAL PRICE SHELF LIFE RAW MATERIALS TALENTFlour 6 copper One Month Grain –Vegetables 4 copper One Day – –Fish 5 copper One Day – –Bread 1 silver One Week Flour –Tallow 6 copper – – TannerHerbs 2 silver One Week – –BUILDINGSBUILDING PRICE RAW MATERIALS TIME TALENT TOOLSCottage 10 gold 200 Wood One Week Builder Saw and hammerTower 20 gold 400 Stone or 200WoodStoneHouseTwo Weeks Builder Sledgehammer andpickaxe or saw andhammer30 gold 600 Stone One Month Builder Sledgehammer andpickaxeFarm 50 gold 400 Wood One Month Builder Saw and hammerFort 250 gold 1,000 Wood and Two Builder Sledgehammer, pickaxe,200 Stone Monthssaw, hammerFortress 1000goldCastle 3000goldPalace 10000gold1,000 Wood and5,000 Stone1,000 Wood and20,000 Stone2,000 Wood and50,000 StoneOne Year Builder Sledgehammer, pickaxe,saw, hammerFive Years Builder Sledgehammer, pickaxe,saw, hammerTen Years Builder Sledgehammer, pickaxe,saw, hammer194chapter 9


One Day Smith Forge

Quarter Day Smith Fire, 1 Stone

Quarter Day Smith Fire, Hammer

Quarter Day Smith Forge

One Day Smith Forge

One Day Smith Forge

One Day Smith Forge

Quarter Day Smith, Tailor Forge



Forge. It's possible to produce Iron without a Forge, but only 1 unit per Quarter Day. It

requires a unit of Iron Ore and a Crafting roll.


Forge. One unit of Glass can be produced per Quarter Day. It requires a difficult (–2)

Crafting roll.

Axe. A Quarter Day's work in a Forest or Dark Forest, and a successful Crafting roll, gives

a number of units of Wood equal to the number of rolled x doubled.


Tailor Shop

Tailor Shop



Pasture, Pigsty, or Sheepfold

Read more about hunting on page 151.



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