Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


The attackers can choose between these losses:✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥20 soldiers are Broken. Roll for criticalinjuries as needed.The commander of the attackers is Broken.Roll for a critical injury as needed.The attacker’s battering ram is broken.A monster is defeated.SIEGEIf your stronghold is surrounded and besieged,you cannot leave it without being attacked. Inthis situation, your hirelings cannot buy FOODand WATER for themselves – instead, everyonein the castle must consume whatever you havestored in the stronghold. As a general rule, fivehirelings need to consume one unit of FOODper day, or they will become HUNGRY. If youhave a WELL, you all have free access to WATEReven during a siege – if not, you will need toprovide WATER for your hirelings too.BREAKING A SIEGE: To break a siege, you mustsally forth and attack the besiegers. This is verydangerous, as your Defense Rating will be lower– it takes 20 GUARDS instead of 10 to gaina point of Defense Rating, and the RAMPARTS,PORTCULLIS, GUARD TOWER, and MOAT functionshave no effect. The attackers, for theirpart, cannot use ladders or battering rams insuch a battle on open ground.YOUR ADVENTURERSIN THE BATTLEIf your PCs are present and take part in the battleat the stronghold, you can affect the result. Eachof your adventurers provides the stronghold withone point of Defense Rating. Also, your adventurerscan be subjected to individual events thatare played out using the normal combat rules.At least once per turn, the GM rolls on thetable below. It is up to the GM to decide whichPC is affected. Play out the personal combat– or combats – before moving on to the nextturn of the larger battle. Note that the eventcan lead to a PC or NPC being Broken, whichin turn can affect Attack or Defense Ratings.The results in the table should primarily beseen as inspiration and will need to be adaptedto the situation. The GM is also allowed todisregard the table and make up her own challengesfor her adventurers during the battle atthe stronghold.EXAMPLENirmena’s and Tyrgar’s stronghold is attackedby some 90 savage orcs led by the chieftain, Geldad.The stronghold has R AMPARTS and 20GUARDS, which gives a total Defense Ratingof 5 (one for the adventurers, +2 for the RAM-PARTS and +2 for the GUARDS). The attackershave a battering ram and thus get Attack Rating7 (5 for the number of attackers, +1 for theram and +1 for Geldad himself).In the first turn of the battle, the players rollone x while the GM rolls two. The GM choosesto have 20 orcs be cut down, decreasing thenumber of remaining attackers to 70 and theAttack Rating to 6. The players choose to havethe R AMPARTS damaged and then breached,reducing the Defense Rating to 3.The first turn is over, and it’s time to seewhat happens to Tyrgar and Nirmena themselves.The GM rolls a five, and lets the eventhappen to Nirmena. She suddenly finds her-177the stronghold

EVENTS DURING THE BATTLED6 EVENT1 A PC is pushed and falls D6+2 meters (see page 113 for falling damage).2 A PC is suddenly surrounded by D3+1 enemies. She must stand her groundfor two rounds of close combat before help arrives.3 A PC finds herself face-to-face with an attacker and must fight him in closecombat.4 A PC gets the opportunity to push down the attackers’ ladders or throw rocksat them. Make a MIGHT roll. Success means that D3 attackers are Broken.5 A PC suddenly finds herself face-to-face with the commander of the attackers.Resolve a close combat between them until only one remains standing,preferably in a dramatic location in the stronghold.6 Two PCs confront a powerful enemy together. It can be a monster or thecommander of the attackers.self face-to-face with Geldad himself on theramparts! If she defeats the orc chieftain, shemight turn the tide of the battle and save thestronghold from destruction…VARIED FORCESThe rules for battles at the strongholdare designed to be fast and easy touse, and therefore make no differencebetween different types of soldiers. Ifyou prefer a more detailed approach,you can use the following rules.Add the Strength rating to theskill level in MELEE or MARKSMANSHIP(whichever is higher) of a typical soldierin the force. The sum is the soldier’sCombat Rating. Divide 50 by theCombat Rating (rounding up) to getthe number of soldiers in a BASE UNITof defenders. Divide 100 by the CombatRating (rounding up) to get the numberof soldiers in a base unit of attackers.Each base unit gives a +1 to theDefense or Attack Rating of the force.The maximum bonus is still +5. Eachpoint of lost Defense or Attack Ratingduring the battle means that a numberof soldiers equal to one base unit havebeen Broken.For example, a force of attackingsoldiers with Strength 4 and skill level 3in MELEE (Combat Rating 7) has a baseunit size of 15 (100 divided by 7, roundedup). If the force loses 2 points of AttackRating, 30 soldiers are Broken.178chapter 8



1 A PC is pushed and falls D6+2 meters (see page 113 for falling damage).

2 A PC is suddenly surrounded by D3+1 enemies. She must stand her ground

for two rounds of close combat before help arrives.

3 A PC finds herself face-to-face with an attacker and must fight him in close


4 A PC gets the opportunity to push down the attackers’ ladders or throw rocks

at them. Make a MIGHT roll. Success means that D3 attackers are Broken.

5 A PC suddenly finds herself face-to-face with the commander of the attackers.

Resolve a close combat between them until only one remains standing,

preferably in a dramatic location in the stronghold.

6 Two PCs confront a powerful enemy together. It can be a monster or the

commander of the attackers.

self face-to-face with Geldad himself on the

ramparts! If she defeats the orc chieftain, she

might turn the tide of the battle and save the

stronghold from destruction…


The rules for battles at the stronghold

are designed to be fast and easy to

use, and therefore make no difference

between different types of soldiers. If

you prefer a more detailed approach,

you can use the following rules.

Add the Strength rating to the

skill level in MELEE or MARKSMANSHIP

(whichever is higher) of a typical soldier

in the force. The sum is the soldier’s

Combat Rating. Divide 50 by the

Combat Rating (rounding up) to get

the number of soldiers in a BASE UNIT

of defenders. Divide 100 by the Combat

Rating (rounding up) to get the number

of soldiers in a base unit of attackers.

Each base unit gives a +1 to the

Defense or Attack Rating of the force.

The maximum bonus is still +5. Each

point of lost Defense or Attack Rating

during the battle means that a number

of soldiers equal to one base unit have

been Broken.

For example, a force of attacking

soldiers with Strength 4 and skill level 3

in MELEE (Combat Rating 7) has a base

unit size of 15 (100 divided by 7, rounded

up). If the force loses 2 points of Attack

Rating, 30 soldiers are Broken.


chapter 8

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