Forbidden Lands Players Handbook

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The PCs take part in the defense

+1 (regardless of number)

Every 10 GUARDS in the stronghold (round up) +1 (to a maximum of +5)


The stronghold has R AMPARTS +2

The stronghold has a PORTCULLIS +1

The stronghold has a GUARD TOWER +1

The stronghold has a MOAT +1

ing. To fight on, a force must have at least 1

left in the Defense or Attack Rating. If the

battle continues, roll again as per above, turn

after turn, until one side surrenders or is completely

defeated (its Defense or Attack Rating

hits zero).


Each rolled x means losses on the opposing

side. The side suffering the losses gets to decide

what each lost point of Defense or Attack

Rating means:

The defenders of the stronghold can choose between

these losses:


Ten GUARDS in the stronghold are Broken.

Roll for critical injuries as needed.


The R AMPARTS of the stronghold are damaged

and only give +1 to the Defense Rating.


Damaged R AMPARTS are breached and give

no more bonuses to the Defense Rating.

The raw materials remain and can be used

to rebuild the R AMPARTS.


The PORTCULLIS of the stronghold is destroyed.

The raw materials remain and can

be used to rebuild it.


For every 20 attackers (round up) +1 (to a maximum of +5)

The attackers are led by a commander +1

The attackers have ladders or grappling hooks +1

The attackers have a battering ram +1

The attackers have a monster in their force

+1 per monster

Some of the attackers can fly +1



chapter 8

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