Forbidden Lands Players Handbook

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Staffs the TANNERY. Can also craft leather armor

and other leather items. A TANNER’S CRAFTING

rolls succeed automatically, with one x.



SALARY: 6 copper

SUPPLY: Uncommon


Staffs the TAILOR SHOP. Can also sew clothes and

other items made from cloth. A TAILOR’S CRAFT-

ING rolls succeed automatically, with one x.



SALARY: 8 copper

SUPPLY: Common



If you live long enough to become skilled and

rich adventurers with a stronghold of your

own, chances are high that word of your deeds

will spread across the Forbidden Lands. But

fame comes with a cost. As your Reputation

scores rise, the risk increases that your stronghold

will attract unwelcome visitors.

Approximately once per week, or whenever

the GM feels it’s appropriate, she rolls for an

event at your stronghold. The table of events is to

be found on page 12 in the Gamemaster’s Guide,

as it should not be read in advance by the players.

The GM should only roll on this table when

your stronghold is guarded, either by yourselves

or by hired GUARDS. For what happens to an unguarded

stronghold, see page 164, above.

Note that some functions, such as the

GALLOWS, can affect the event roll, as can

some results from the non-payment table for

hirelings (see page 162, above).



One day, enemies might come to your gates to

conquer your stronghold. When this happens,

you need to be ready to defend it. When an enemy

force attacks your stronghold in large numbers,

one of the players rolls dice against the

GM to determine the outcome of the battle.

If your adventurers are present, they can affect

the result (see below).

The Attack Rating of the attackers is measured

against the Defense Rating of your stronghold.

Use the tables below to calculate these

scores. If no adventurers and no GUARDS are present,

there is no battle – the attacker automatically

succeeds at conquering your stronghold.


The battle is resolved in several turns. In each

turn, a player rolls dice for the defense, and the

GM rolls for the attackers. Roll as many Base

Dice as the Defense or Attack Rating. Each x

means that the side inflicts losses (see below) on

the opposing side. All players and the GM can

help out to describe what happens in the battle!

Each x rolled means that the Defense

or Attack Rating of the opposing side is decreased

by one. When a turn is over, each side

must decide whether to give up or keep fight-


the stronghold

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