Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


can offer all kinds of goods. The supply isthe same as in a normal VILLAGE (see page179). You don’t need to pay any salary tothe peddlers.MILLIf you want to make your own flour in thestronghold, you’ll need a mill. These can bepowered manually, by animals, by wind, or bywater. Your stronghold can have several mills.✥✥REQUIREMENT: The BUILDER talent✥✥RAW MATERIALS: 400 WOOD, 10 STONE✥✥TOOLS: Saw, hammer✥✥TIME: Two weeks✥✥EFFECT: The MILL converts up to a dozenunits of GRAIN to FLOUR each Quarter Day,assuming it’s staffed by a PC or a MILLER.MINEDigging into the ground to extract iron ore isa large, tedious and cumbersome project, but itcan be very lucrative. Your stronghold can haveseveral MINES.✥✥REQUIREMENT: The BUILDER talent✥✥RAW MATERIALS: 60 WOOD (for tunnelsupports)✥✥TOOLS: Sledgehammer, pickaxe, shovel✥✥TIME: One month✥✥REPUTATION: +1✥✥EFFECT: Up to a dozen people can workin the MINE at the same time. Each minerproduces two units of IRON ORE per QuarterDay. Roll one Gear Die for each weekof work. If you roll a l , there is a tunnelcollapse. Roll another Gear Die for eachworker in the mine. Another l meansthat the worker is trapped in the collapse.Trapped NPCs are automatically killed.For each PC, the GM rolls for an attackusing ten Base Dice (Weapon Damage 1,blunt force). If the PC survives, she mustmake a MIGHT roll to dig herself out. Afailed roll means that the PC suffocates,unless she gets help from the outside.MOATDigging a water-filled trench around the entirestronghold is heavy work, but provides extraprotection against attackers.✥✥REQUIREMENT: R AMPARTS, the BUILDERtalent✥✥RAW MATERIALS: –✥✥TOOLS: Pickaxe and shovel✥✥TIME: One month✥✥REPUTATION: +1✥✥EFFECT: Increases the Defense Rating ofthe stronghold by +1.PASTUREA tract of land grazed by cattle, which can provideboth meat and milk. Your stronghold canhave several pastures.✥✥REQUIREMENT: Up to a dozen cows,which must be bought or stolen separately✥✥RAW MATERIALS: 20 WOOD✥✥TOOLS: –✥✥TIME: One day✥✥EFFECT: The cows need to be tended to daily.Once per day, a PC or a FARMER can milkthe cows. This takes a Quarter Day and givesone unit of FOOD per cow. You can slaughtercows at any time, and this provides eight169the stronghold

units of MEAT per cow. If you have a bull,D6 calves are born in the PASTURE each year.PIGSTYA pen with pigs is a good source of food for theinhabitants of the stronghold. Your strongholdcan have several pigsties.✥✥REQUIREMENT: Up to a dozen pigs,which must be bought or stolen separately✥✥RAW MATERIALS: 50 WOOD✥✥TOOLS: Saw, hammer✥✥TIME: One day✥✥EFFECT: You can slaughter the pigs at anytime. This gives six units of MEAT per pig.2D6 piglets are born in the PIGSTY each year.PORTCULLISA sturdy metal barrier in the gate to yourcastle is useful for keeping unwelcome guestsout.✥✥REQUIREMENT: R AMPARTS, FORGE, theBUILDER talent✥✥RAW MATERIALS: 100 IRON✥✥TOOLS: –✥✥TIME: One week✥✥EFFECT: Increases the Defense Rating ofthe stronghold by +1 (see page 175).QUARRYStone is needed to build many different functionsin the stronghold. Breaking stone is hardwork, but not very complicated. Your strongholdcan have several quarries.✥✥REQUIREMENT: –✥✥RAW MATERIALS: –✥✥✥✥✥✥TOOLS: Sledgehammer, pickaxe, shovelTIME: One dayEFFECT: Up to a dozen people can work inthe QUARRY at the same time. Each workerproduces two units of STONE per QuarterDay.R AMPARTSSolid stone walls with parapets, crenellations,and arrow slits are very useful to keep enemiesat bay when your stronghold is attacked.✥✥REQUIREMENT: The BUILDER talent✥✥RAW MATERIALS: 600 STONE✥✥TOOLS: –✥✥TIME: One month✥✥REPUTATION: +1✥✥EFFECT: Increases the Defense Rating ofthe stronghold by +2.ROOT CELLARA dark and chilly cellar is the best place to storefood to keep it from spoiling.✥✥REQUIREMENT: The BUILDER talent✥✥R AW Materials: 200 STONE✥✥TOOLS: Sledgehammer, pickaxe✥✥TIME: One week✥✥EFFECT: In the ROOT CELLAR, GRAIN,FLOUR, MEAT, VEGETABLES, and FOOD can bestored ten times longer without spoiling(see page 192).SCRIPTORIUMSorcerers and other learned adventurers needa secluded place in the stronghold for contemplation,study and scribing.170chapter 8

can offer all kinds of goods. The supply is

the same as in a normal VILLAGE (see page

179). You don’t need to pay any salary to

the peddlers.


If you want to make your own flour in the

stronghold, you’ll need a mill. These can be

powered manually, by animals, by wind, or by

water. Your stronghold can have several mills.






TOOLS: Saw, hammer


TIME: Two weeks


EFFECT: The MILL converts up to a dozen

units of GRAIN to FLOUR each Quarter Day,

assuming it’s staffed by a PC or a MILLER.


Digging into the ground to extract iron ore is

a large, tedious and cumbersome project, but it

can be very lucrative. Your stronghold can have

several MINES.




RAW MATERIALS: 60 WOOD (for tunnel



TOOLS: Sledgehammer, pickaxe, shovel


TIME: One month




EFFECT: Up to a dozen people can work

in the MINE at the same time. Each miner

produces two units of IRON ORE per Quarter

Day. Roll one Gear Die for each week

of work. If you roll a l , there is a tunnel

collapse. Roll another Gear Die for each

worker in the mine. Another l means

that the worker is trapped in the collapse.

Trapped NPCs are automatically killed.

For each PC, the GM rolls for an attack

using ten Base Dice (Weapon Damage 1,

blunt force). If the PC survives, she must

make a MIGHT roll to dig herself out. A

failed roll means that the PC suffocates,

unless she gets help from the outside.


Digging a water-filled trench around the entire

stronghold is heavy work, but provides extra

protection against attackers.







TOOLS: Pickaxe and shovel


TIME: One month




EFFECT: Increases the Defense Rating of

the stronghold by +1.


A tract of land grazed by cattle, which can provide

both meat and milk. Your stronghold can

have several pastures.


REQUIREMENT: Up to a dozen cows,

which must be bought or stolen separately






TIME: One day


EFFECT: The cows need to be tended to daily.

Once per day, a PC or a FARMER can milk

the cows. This takes a Quarter Day and gives

one unit of FOOD per cow. You can slaughter

cows at any time, and this provides eight


the stronghold

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