Forbidden Lands Players Handbook

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in goods, it’s usually fine. Use the price lists

(Chapter 9) as a guide. The GM has final say.

If you leave the stronghold to go adventuring,

hirelings will expect to get paid in advance

for the time you expect to be gone. If you don’t

pay a hireling what you have promised them, it

will mean trouble. Roll on the table to the left.

FOOD & WATER: You don’t need to provide

FOOD and WATER for your hirelings – they manage

to acquire it on their own, using their salary.

If your stronghold is under siege however,

it’s another story. Read more on page 177.


If you have the MASTER BUILDER hireling in

your stronghold, you can have him build new

functions instead of doing it yourselves. A

MASTER BUILDER automatically succeeds at all

CRAFTING rolls (with one x), no dice are rolled.

The downside is that MASTER BUILDERS are expensive!



The lists of functions and

hirelings are extensive, but

they don’t cover everything

you might want to do with your

stronghold. You are free to make

up new functions and hirelings.

It is up to the GM to determine

the effect of such functions

and hirelings, as well as what is

required to build or hire them.


Nirmena and Tyrgar are working on their

stronghold, and start out with building RAM-


Tyrgar has skill level 4 in CRAFTING and the

BUILDER talent (level 1), and Nirmena helps

out. Tyrgar spends four times the required

amount of time on the work. In total, this

gives Tyrgar a +4 modifier to all rolls. All

three rolls succeed and, after 44 days, the

functions are all complete.

Next, Nirmena and Tyrgar hire a

HANDYMAN and GUARD, as they are about to

go on another journey. They pay one week’s


the stronghold

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