Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


TERRAIN TYPESTYPE MOVEMENT FORAGE HUNTPlains Open terrain –1 +1Forest Open terrain +1 +1Dark Forest Difficult terrain –1 0Hills Open terrain 0 0Mountains Difficult terrain –2 –1High Impassable – –MountainsLake/River Requires a boat or raft – 0Marshlands Requires a raft +1 –1Quagmire Difficult terrain –1 0Ruins Difficult terrain –2 –1✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥MAKE CAMP. Cannot be combined withHIKE. Only one adventurer rolls.REST. Cannot be combined with HIKE.Can be done by several adventurers at thesame time.SLEEP. Cannot be combined with HIKE.Can be done by several adventurers at thesame time.EXPLORE. Cannot be combined withHIKE. Can be done by several adventurersat the same time.HIKEYour journey through the Forbidden Landsprogresses from hexagon to hexagon on themap. The rule of thumb is that you can HIKE145journeys

two hexagons per Quarter Day in OPEN TERRAINand one hexagon per Quarter Day in DIFFICULTTERRAIN. On horseback, your rate of movementincreases to three hexagons per Quarter Day inOPEN TERRAIN. See the table below.Short breaks are included in the specifiedtime, but if you stop for more than a few minutesalong the way – because of a mishap orsomething else – there is a risk you might notbe able travel the entire distance during thisperiod. The GM has the final word.HIKING DISTANCETERRAIN ON FOOT ON HORSE-BACKOpenDifficult2 Hexagons/Quarter1 Hexagon/Quarter3 Hexagons/Quarter1 Hexagon/QuarterFORCED MARCHYou can HIKE for two of the four Quarter Daysof the day without problem. If you need to,you can push yourselves and HIKE for a thirdQuarter Day. This requires that you all makeENDURANCE rolls. Failure means you suffer 1point of damage to Agility and are unable toHIKE during the Quarter Day – instead, youmust REST or SLEEP. If your ENDURANCE rollsucceeds, you can choose to leave any stragglersbehind and split up the group, or you canstay and wait.If you are in a real rush, you can even attemptto HIKE for a fourth Quarter Day in the day. Inthat case, you must roll for ENDURANCE again asoutlined above, but the roll gets a –2 penalty. Observethat this automatically makes you SLEEPY(see page 111), since you miss the necessary hoursof SLEEP per day. Also, see Darkness, below.MOUNTSHorses and other mounts allow you tomove faster through OPEN TER-RAIN, but not in DIFFICULTTERRAIN. In addition, a ridinganimal can carry a numberof normal items equal to itsStrength doubled if you rideon it, and twice that if youlead it by the halter.A forced march (seeabove) is also possiblewhile riding. Roll justlike you did above, butuse your ANIMAL HAN-DLING and the animal’sStrength. If the roll146chapter 7

two hexagons per Quarter Day in OPEN TERRAIN

and one hexagon per Quarter Day in DIFFICULT

TERRAIN. On horseback, your rate of movement

increases to three hexagons per Quarter Day in

OPEN TERRAIN. See the table below.

Short breaks are included in the specified

time, but if you stop for more than a few minutes

along the way – because of a mishap or

something else – there is a risk you might not

be able travel the entire distance during this

period. The GM has the final word.






2 Hexagons


1 Hexagon


3 Hexagons


1 Hexagon



You can HIKE for two of the four Quarter Days

of the day without problem. If you need to,

you can push yourselves and HIKE for a third

Quarter Day. This requires that you all make

ENDURANCE rolls. Failure means you suffer 1

point of damage to Agility and are unable to

HIKE during the Quarter Day – instead, you

must REST or SLEEP. If your ENDURANCE roll

succeeds, you can choose to leave any stragglers

behind and split up the group, or you can

stay and wait.

If you are in a real rush, you can even attempt

to HIKE for a fourth Quarter Day in the day. In

that case, you must roll for ENDURANCE again as

outlined above, but the roll gets a –2 penalty. Observe

that this automatically makes you SLEEPY

(see page 111), since you miss the necessary hours

of SLEEP per day. Also, see Darkness, below.


Horses and other mounts allow you to

move faster through OPEN TER-

RAIN, but not in DIFFICULT

TERRAIN. In addition, a riding

animal can carry a number

of normal items equal to its

Strength doubled if you ride

on it, and twice that if you

lead it by the halter.

A forced march (see

above) is also possible

while riding. Roll just

like you did above, but

use your ANIMAL HAN-

DLING and the animal’s

Strength. If the roll


chapter 7

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