Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


its stored Willpower Points. You don’t needto BIND magic to use this spell. Other spellbindersskilled in the art of runes can use yourPOWER RUNES if they can access them, sokeep them to yourself!✥✥✥✥✥✥PORTALRank 3, RitualRange: NearDUR ATION: Quarter Day per Power LevelThis powerful ritual tears a hole in the veil betweenworlds and opens a path between them.This is a very risky undertaking, since you runthe risk of running into all sorts of demonsand other malevolent creatures on the otherside – perhaps you can use them for yourown purposes, but it is just as likely they willattempt to use you for their own. Or perhapsdevour you. The spell BIND DEMON (see bloodmagic) is very useful here. The details are upto the GM.Another use for this spell is creatinga new PORTAL on the other side, which canlead you anywhere you want in the ForbiddenLands.STONE SONGSPELLRANKDust from the Deep 1Stun 1Voice of the Mountain 1Stonesmith 2Stone Storm 2Wither 2Earthquake 3Iron Song 3Summon Golem 3DUST FROM THE DEEP✥✥RANK 1✥✥RANGE: Near✥✥DUR ATION: One round✥✥INGREDIENT: A fistful of sandThe spell blows a thick cloud of rock dust fromthe ground to cover the Zone you are in. Thedust blocks sight through the Zone and letsyou flee combat (see page 89) without rollingfor MOVE. This spell can only be used in theMOUNTAIN terrain type or inside a CAVE.STONE SONGStone singing originated among the dwarves,and helps them shape the bedrock of the worldaccording to the mission from their god Huge.The discipline has spread from the dwarves tothe elves and humans, who have also foundgood use for this form of magic.STUN✥✥RANK 1✥✥RANGE: Short✥✥DUR ATION: Immediate✥✥INGREDIENT: HornYour mighty voice is so strong that people133magic

134chapter 6

its stored Willpower Points. You don’t need

to BIND magic to use this spell. Other spellbinders

skilled in the art of runes can use your

POWER RUNES if they can access them, so

keep them to yourself!





Rank 3, Ritual

Range: Near

DUR ATION: Quarter Day per Power Level

This powerful ritual tears a hole in the veil between

worlds and opens a path between them.

This is a very risky undertaking, since you run

the risk of running into all sorts of demons

and other malevolent creatures on the other

side – perhaps you can use them for your

own purposes, but it is just as likely they will

attempt to use you for their own. Or perhaps

devour you. The spell BIND DEMON (see blood

magic) is very useful here. The details are up

to the GM.

Another use for this spell is creating

a new PORTAL on the other side, which can

lead you anywhere you want in the Forbidden





Dust from the Deep 1

Stun 1

Voice of the Mountain 1

Stonesmith 2

Stone Storm 2

Wither 2

Earthquake 3

Iron Song 3

Summon Golem 3







DUR ATION: One round


INGREDIENT: A fistful of sand

The spell blows a thick cloud of rock dust from

the ground to cover the Zone you are in. The

dust blocks sight through the Zone and lets

you flee combat (see page 89) without rolling

for MOVE. This spell can only be used in the

MOUNTAIN terrain type or inside a CAVE.


Stone singing originated among the dwarves,

and helps them shape the bedrock of the world

according to the mission from their god Huge.

The discipline has spread from the dwarves to

the elves and humans, who have also found

good use for this form of magic.





RANGE: Short


DUR ATION: Immediate



Your mighty voice is so strong that people



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