Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


you with this spell, which helps you in socialconflicts. The victim of the spell will dowhat you want, without a roll to MANIPULATEhim and without you having to give himsomething in return. All other restrictionsfor social conflicts apply – for example, thevictim will not act directly against his owninterests. The spell can only be used againstliving humanoids.WEATHERMASTER✥✥RANK 3✥✥RANGE: Distant✥✥DUR ATION: Quarter Day✥✥INGREDIENT: FeatherYou are so in tune with the forces of naturethat you can summon a drastic weather shiftin the map hexagon where you are. A smallershift, from cloudy to rain or from dead calmto a light breeze, requires Power Level 1. Unusualweather phenomena that still stay withinwhat is apt for the season – a snowstorm inwinter, blazing heat in the summer, or hardwinds and lashing rains in the fall – requirePower Level 2. To summon completely unnaturalweather, such as a snowstorm in thesummer or a heatwave in the middle of winter,requires Power Level 3.SHAPESHIFTINGSHAPESHIFTINGSPELLRANKAnimal Speech 1Cat’s Paw 1Hawk’s Eye 1Beastmaster 2Bear’s Claw 2Deer’s Dash 2Animal Form 3Primal Soul 3Druids are closely connected to nature, andthe shapeshifters are even more so in theiraspiration to be one with nature. Shapeshiftingmeans taking the form of an animal.While there are Druids who have truly masteredthis art, there is a broad spectrum ofspells in the Shapeshifting discipline that allrelate to animals and their aspects in differentways.ANIMAL SPEECH✥✥RANK 1✥✥RANGE: Near✥✥DUR ATION: One turn (15 minutes)✥✥INGREDIENT: Claw or toothThis spell allows you to speak with a mammal.You can ask a number of questions equalto the Power Level of the spell. The animalcan tell you what it has seen, heard, or smelled– but they do not perceive the world as humanoidsdo, so their answers are often hardto interpret. The main advantage is that theynever lie.125magic

HAWK’S EYE✥✥RANK 1✥✥RANGE: Distant✥✥DUR ATION: One turn (15 minutes)✥✥INGREDIENT: Bird’s clawYou can meld your mind with that of a hawkand gain its inhuman sight. You can see thedetails of anything within DISTANT range, everythingfrom horizon to horizon. You see alldetails and can identify specific people.✥✥RANK 1✥✥✥✥✥✥RANGE: PersonalCAT’S PAWDUR ATION: ImmediateINGREDIENT: Cat’s clawBEASTMASTER✥✥RANK 2✥✥RANGE: Near✥✥DUR ATION: One turn (15 minutes)✥✥INGREDIENT: Claw or toothYou can meld your mind with the spirit of thecat, and move without a sound. You can castthis spell instead of rolling SNEAK, and youwill succeed automatically. Each Power Levelcounts as one x.You can bend animals, both wild and tame,to your will. The animal can, for example,break off an attack, track down an enemy, runto where you want it to and deliver a message,allow you to ride on it, or even attack your op-126chapter 6





RANGE: Distant


DUR ATION: One turn (15 minutes)


INGREDIENT: Bird’s claw

You can meld your mind with that of a hawk

and gain its inhuman sight. You can see the

details of anything within DISTANT range, everything

from horizon to horizon. You see all

details and can identify specific people.






RANGE: Personal


DUR ATION: Immediate

INGREDIENT: Cat’s claw







DUR ATION: One turn (15 minutes)


INGREDIENT: Claw or tooth

You can meld your mind with the spirit of the

cat, and move without a sound. You can cast

this spell instead of rolling SNEAK, and you

will succeed automatically. Each Power Level

counts as one x.

You can bend animals, both wild and tame,

to your will. The animal can, for example,

break off an attack, track down an enemy, run

to where you want it to and deliver a message,

allow you to ride on it, or even attack your op-


chapter 6

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