Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


night vision, you have no choice but to feelyour way forward/around. To RUN in completedarkness requires a successful MOVE roll, andyou generally take 1 point of damage if you failthat roll.You can attack opponents at ARM’S LENGTHnormally in darkness, but you must first SCOUTsuccessfully to be able to target them. This actiontakes no time in combat – you can SCOUTand then attack directly in the same round.You cannot SHOOT at targets at SHORT rangeor more in total darkness. You can shoot opponentsat ARM’S LENGTH or NEAR range, but onlyif you make a SCOUT roll. All ranged attacks indarkness are modified by –2.FALLINGIf you fall from three meters or more and hit ahard surface, the GM rolls for an attack againstyou. She rolls a number of Base Dice equal tothe height of the fall in meters, minus 2. Youtake 1 point of damage to Strength for everyx she rolls. Metal armor gives no protection.DROWNINGAdventurers in the Forbidden Lands are assumedto know how to swim. If you end up inwater, you need to make an ENDURANCE roll everyturn (15 minutes) to stay afloat. If you wearmetal armor, you need to roll every round.If you sink, you need to make an ENDUR-ANCE roll every round to hold your breath. Ifyou fail, you start to drown and suffer 1 pointof damage to Strength every round until someonesaves you. If you are Broken when drowning,you die after D6 minutes.POISONPoisons are measured by Potency. A weak poisonhas Potency 3, a strong poison has Potency6, and an extremely potent poison can have Potency9 or even more. If you ingest poison insome manner, roll an opposed roll against theGM – she rolls a number of Base Dice equal tothe Potency and you roll for ENDURANCE. If thepoison wins, you suffer its full effect. If youwin the roll, you only suffer the limited effectof the poison.✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥LETHAL POISONFULL EFFECT: You take 1 point of damageto Strength each round until you areBroken. Your critical injury counts asnon-typical. If you drink an antidote intime, the effect of the poison is halted.LIMITED EFFECT: You take 1 point ofdamage to Strength.PARALYZING POISONFULL EFFECT: You take 1 point of damageto Agility each round until you are Broken.If you drink an antidote in time, theeffect of the poison is halted.LIMITED EFFECT: You take 1 point ofdamage to Agility.113combat & damage

✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥SLEEPING POISONFULL EFFECT: You take 1 point of damageto Wits each round until you are Broken,at which time you fall unconscious for D6hours. You don’t suffer a critical injury. Ifyou drink an antidote in time, the effectof the poison is halted.LIMITED EFFECT: You take 1 point ofdamage to Wits.HALLUCINOGENIC POISONFULL EFFECT: You take 1 point of damageto Empathy each round until you areBroken. If you drink an antidote in time,the effect of the poison is halted.LIMITED EFFECT: You take 1 point ofdamage to Empathy.DISEASEWhen exposed to a dangerous contagion orinfection, you need to roll an opposed rollfor ENDURANCE against the Virulence ratingof the disease. This is called a sickness roll. Atypical disease has a Virulence of 3, but thereare diseases with much higher ratings. If youfail the roll, you fall SICK, which has severaleffects:✥✥The day after the infection the diseasebreaks, at which time you suffer 1 pointof damage to both Strength and Agility.✥✥You can’t recover your Strength or Agilitywhile SICK, except through magic.✥✥Make another sickness roll once per day.Each failed roll means you suffer another✥✥✥✥POISON ON WEAPONSPoisons can be smeared onweapons with the POINTED orEDGED features. The poisonwill take effect after an attackthat inflicts 1 point of damageor more. Smearing poison ona weapon is a slow action. Thepoison stays on the weapon fora Quarter Day or until it’s usedin an attack that hits a target.point of damage to both Strength andAgility.If your Strength is Broken when SICK, youdie after another day if you don’t get wellbefore then.As soon as you succeed at a sicknessroll, you are no longer SICK. Stop rollingsickness rolls and recover your attributesnormally.OTHER DISEASESThe sickness effects describedabove reflect a common butdeadly disease. There are manyother diseases that can haveunique effects.114chapter 5






FULL EFFECT: You take 1 point of damage

to Wits each round until you are Broken,

at which time you fall unconscious for D6

hours. You don’t suffer a critical injury. If

you drink an antidote in time, the effect

of the poison is halted.

LIMITED EFFECT: You take 1 point of

damage to Wits.


FULL EFFECT: You take 1 point of damage

to Empathy each round until you are

Broken. If you drink an antidote in time,

the effect of the poison is halted.

LIMITED EFFECT: You take 1 point of

damage to Empathy.


When exposed to a dangerous contagion or

infection, you need to roll an opposed roll

for ENDURANCE against the Virulence rating

of the disease. This is called a sickness roll. A

typical disease has a Virulence of 3, but there

are diseases with much higher ratings. If you

fail the roll, you fall SICK, which has several



The day after the infection the disease

breaks, at which time you suffer 1 point

of damage to both Strength and Agility.


You can’t recover your Strength or Agility

while SICK, except through magic.


Make another sickness roll once per day.

Each failed roll means you suffer another




Poisons can be smeared on

weapons with the POINTED or

EDGED features. The poison

will take effect after an attack

that inflicts 1 point of damage

or more. Smearing poison on

a weapon is a slow action. The

poison stays on the weapon for

a Quarter Day or until it’s used

in an attack that hits a target.

point of damage to both Strength and


If your Strength is Broken when SICK, you

die after another day if you don’t get well

before then.

As soon as you succeed at a sickness

roll, you are no longer SICK. Stop rolling

sickness rolls and recover your attributes



The sickness effects described

above reflect a common but

deadly disease. There are many

other diseases that can have

unique effects.


chapter 5

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