Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


the cold ground he comes to. He tries to HEALhimself but fails. He now has three hours tofind Nirmena or someone else who can HEALhim before he dies from his injuries.CONDITIONSIn the game there are four so-called conditionsyour PC can suffer: HUNGRY, THIRSTY, SLEEPY,and COLD. These conditions can cause damageand block recovery. Mark conditions in the relevantcheck boxes on your character sheet.HUNGRYYou must eat a ration of food (see page 38) atleast once every day. After a day without food,you become HUNGRY. Being HUNGRY has severaleffects:✥✥You cannot recover Strength in any way,except through magic. You can recoverother attributes.✥✥You suffer 1 point of damage to Strengthper week. If your Strength is Brokenwhile HUNGRY, you die after another weekwithout food.✥✥As soon as you have eaten, you are no longerHUNGRY, and you can recover Strengthnormally.THIRSTYYou must drink a ration of water (see page 38)at least once per day. After a day without water,you become THIRSTY. Being THIRSTY has severaleffects:✥✥✥✥✥✥You cannot recover any attributes, exceptthrough magic. If you are Broken, youneed to drink water to get back up again.You take 1 point of damage to bothStrength and Agility every day. If eitherof your Strength or Agility are Brokenwhile THIRSTY, you die after another daywithout water.As soon as you drink, you are no longerTHIRSTY, and you can recover your attributesnormally.SLEEPYYou need to sleep for at least one Quarter Dayof each day. After one day without sleep, youbecome SLEEPY. Being SLEEPY has several effects:✥✥You cannot recover Wits, except throughmagic. If your Wits are Broken whileSLEEPY, you must sleep for at least oneQuarter Day to get back up again.✥✥You take 1 point of damage to your Witseach day. If this damage breaks yourWits, you collapse and sleep for at leastone Quarter Day.✥✥As soon as you have slept for at least aQuarter Day, you are no longer SLEEPY,and you can recover Wits normally.COLDWhen the cold is bitter and you don’t haveenough shelter, you have to roll ENDURANCEregularly. The colder it is, the more frequentlyyou need to roll. A chilly fall day requiresa roll per day; in the depth of winter, youmight have to roll once every hour.111combat & damage

ELVEN WEAPONS:TWO-HANDED SPEARSHORT BOWKNIFEDAGGERSHORTSWORDSCIMITARS✥✥✥✥✥✥You can even hallucinate, causing you toact irrationally – details are up to the GMto decide. Some say that when you areclose to freezing to death, you feel a strongburning sensation that can make you tearyour clothes off.You must keep rolling ENDURANCE at thesame interval, and with the same effect ifyou fail. If your Strength is Broken whileyou are COLD, you die the next time youhave to roll.You cannot recover Strength or Wits.Only after you have warmed up again, ifonly by a campfire, are you able to recoverthose attributes.LONGSWORDTWO-HANDED SWORDExtra protection, like a blanket, can give youGear Dice to roll. If you fail your roll, youbecome COLD. Being COLD has several effects:✥✥You immediately take 1 point of damageto both your Strength and Wits – as thecold seeps into your body and makes theblood run slower to your brain, you areunable to think clearly.FEARMany horrifying beasts lurk in the shadows ofthe Forbidden Lands. Such creatures, manyof which can be found in the Bestiary in theGamemaster’s Guide, can perform so-calledfear attacks. Fear attacks can also be triggeredby magic and other terrifying experiences.A fear attack is rolled with a number ofBase Dice. Each x rolled causes 1 point ofdamage to Wits. All fear attacks have NEARrange, unless stated otherwise. Some fearattacks target a single victim, while othersaffect everyone within range.DARKNESSWhen you are in complete darkness and lack112chapter 5











You can even hallucinate, causing you to

act irrationally – details are up to the GM

to decide. Some say that when you are

close to freezing to death, you feel a strong

burning sensation that can make you tear

your clothes off.

You must keep rolling ENDURANCE at the

same interval, and with the same effect if

you fail. If your Strength is Broken while

you are COLD, you die the next time you

have to roll.

You cannot recover Strength or Wits.

Only after you have warmed up again, if

only by a campfire, are you able to recover

those attributes.



Extra protection, like a blanket, can give you

Gear Dice to roll. If you fail your roll, you

become COLD. Being COLD has several effects:


You immediately take 1 point of damage

to both your Strength and Wits – as the

cold seeps into your body and makes the

blood run slower to your brain, you are

unable to think clearly.


Many horrifying beasts lurk in the shadows of

the Forbidden Lands. Such creatures, many

of which can be found in the Bestiary in the

Gamemaster’s Guide, can perform so-called

fear attacks. Fear attacks can also be triggered

by magic and other terrifying experiences.

A fear attack is rolled with a number of

Base Dice. Each x rolled causes 1 point of

damage to Wits. All fear attacks have NEAR

range, unless stated otherwise. Some fear

attacks target a single victim, while others

affect everyone within range.


When you are in complete darkness and lack


chapter 5

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