Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


you suffer during the healing time indicated –measured in days.ORC WEAPONS:CARE: If someone manages to HEAL youduring the process of healing a critical injury,the remaining healing time is reducedby half. Any earlier roll to save your life doesnot count towards this – a new roll is requiredto reduce the healing time.TWO-HANDED SWORDSCIMITARATTRIBUTE POINTS: Note that you can recoverall your lost attribute points, but still sufferthe effects of a critical injury.SHORTSWORDNON-TYPICAL DAMAGEFor some types of damage (for example fromfire), the normal critical injury tables don’tapply. If you’re Broken by such a non-typicaltype of damage, use the table Critical Injuries– Others on page 199.DAGGERKNIFECONDITIONS: Some conditions, such asHUNGRY and THIRSTY, can Break you (below).FALCHIONKIN WEAPONSAmong weapon illustrations,you’ll find designs created bythe various kin of the ForbiddenLands. The kin designs normallydon’t affect the stats of theweapon, the differences areonly cosmetic.LARGE WOODEN CLUBWOODEN CLUB109combat & damage

DWARVEN WEAPONS:DAGGERThe effects of this are specified by each condition.Don’t roll for a critical injury in thiscase.SHORTSWORDBROADSWORDPUSHED DAMAGEThere is one case where you don’t risk any criticalinjury when Broken: when you push a rollso hard that you break yourself. This is veryrare, but it can happen. This means you cannever kill yourself by pushing a roll.HEAV Y WARHAMMERWAR-HAMMERBATTLEAXEEXAMPLEPoor Tyrgar was hurt before the savage strikeby the minotaur, and is now Broken. He rolls52 on the critical injury table for slash wounds,and thus suffers a bleeding gut. He rolls a D6and gets a 5, meaning he will die in five hoursunless HEALED before he bleeds out. Nirmenais not around, so Tyrgar rolls another D6 to seehow long it will take him to get back on his feetwithout help. He rolls a 2. After two hours onTHROWING AXETWO-HANDED AXESHORT SPEARBROKEN NPCSNPCs can be Broken in thesame ways as PCs. An NPC canHEAL a PC and vice versa. However,dice are usually not rolledwhen an NPC HEALS anotherNPC – instead, the GM decideswhat happens. The GM can alsodecide that a minor NPC whoseStrength is Broken simply dies.110chapter 5



The effects of this are specified by each condition.

Don’t roll for a critical injury in this





There is one case where you don’t risk any critical

injury when Broken: when you push a roll

so hard that you break yourself. This is very

rare, but it can happen. This means you can

never kill yourself by pushing a roll.






Poor Tyrgar was hurt before the savage strike

by the minotaur, and is now Broken. He rolls

52 on the critical injury table for slash wounds,

and thus suffers a bleeding gut. He rolls a D6

and gets a 5, meaning he will die in five hours

unless HEALED before he bleeds out. Nirmena

is not around, so Tyrgar rolls another D6 to see

how long it will take him to get back on his feet

without help. He rolls a 2. After two hours on





NPCs can be Broken in the

same ways as PCs. An NPC can

HEAL a PC and vice versa. However,

dice are usually not rolled

when an NPC HEALS another

NPC – instead, the GM decides

what happens. The GM can also

decide that a minor NPC whose

Strength is Broken simply dies.


chapter 5

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