Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


SUFFERING DAMAGEYou can suffer damage in many ways. These arethe three most common:BY ROLLINGl when you push a roll. Whenpushing, you suffer 1 point of damage to theattribute used for every l you roll.FROM ATTACKS. Whenever someone successfullyattacks you in close combat or with aranged weapon, you suffer damage to Strengthequal to the Weapon Damage plus one for everyadditional x your opponent rolls.FROM MAGIC. Spells cast by Sorcerers andDruids can give you damage of all types. Readmore in Chapter 6.ARMORBy wearing leather, chainmail, or a full suit ofplate armor you can protect your body from damageto Strength. See the list of various kinds ofarmor, below. Armor doesn’t provide protectionfrom other kinds of damage, or from damage youinflict on yourself when you push a roll.The effect of armor is determined by its ArmorRating. When you suffer damage from aphysical attack, you roll a number of Gear Diceequal to the Armor Rating. Every x you roll decreasesthe damage by 1. This roll does not countas an action and cannot be pushed.If any damage penetrates your armor, itsArmor Rating is decreased – every l you rollreduces the Armor Rating by 1. If the armorabsorbed all the damage, any l rolled has noeffect. Armor can be repaired. Natural armoris not degraded in this way.HELMETS: You can only wear one type of armorat a time, but you can combine body armor with ahelmet. Add the Armor Rating of any helmet youwear to the rating of your body armor before youroll. If the armor is degraded, you can choose if itis the body armor or the helmet that is damaged.All helmets also have an extra effect: If yousuffer one of the critical injuries, 65 for a slashwound, 64 for a stab wound, or 64–66 for bluntforce, roll a number of Gear Dice equal to theArmor Rating of the helmet. If you roll one ormore x, the critical injury is changed to the11–12 blunt force injury instead. This will reducethe Armor Rating of the helmet to zero however.COVERWhen enemies are shooting at you, hunkeringdown behind cover – preferably somethingsolid – can save your life. Taking cover behindsomething counts as a fast action. Cover has anArmor Rating and works exactly like armor –but only against ranged attacks. Cover can be degradedjust like armor. Cover can be combinedwith armor – roll for cover first, then armor.TYPICAL COVERBARRIERARMOR RATINGFurniture 3Wooden Door 4Tree Trunk 5Wooden Wall 6Stone Wall 8105combat & damage

SHIELDSWEAPON BONUS DAMAGE RANGE COST FEATURESSmall Shield +1 – – 6 LightLarge Shield +2 – – 15SMALL SHIELDLARGE SHIELDEXAMPLELater on in the journey, Tyrgar gets in troubleagain. The dwarf is hit by an angry minotaur’sgreataxe. The attack inflicts a whopping 4points of damage. Tyrgar wears chainmailand an open helmet, for a total Armor Ratingof 8. He rolls eight Gear Dice and gets one xand one l . Tyrgar suffers 3 points of damageand his Armor Rating is decreased by 1. Tyrgarchooses to let his chainmail take the hit andits Armor Rating is thus decreased to 5.ARMOR & HELMETSGEARARMOR COST BODY PART FEATURESRATINGLeather 2 3 Body LightStudded Leather 3 5 BodyChainmail 6 24 Body Heavy item. Armor Rating 3against arrows and Stabs.Plate Armor 8 80 Body Heavy item. Modifies Moveby –2Studded Leather 1 2 Head LightCapOpen Helmet 2 8 Head LightClosed Helmet 3 18 HeadGreat Helm 4 30 Head Modifies Scout by –2106chapter 5



Small Shield +1 – – 6 Light

Large Shield +2 – – 15




Later on in the journey, Tyrgar gets in trouble

again. The dwarf is hit by an angry minotaur’s

greataxe. The attack inflicts a whopping 4

points of damage. Tyrgar wears chainmail

and an open helmet, for a total Armor Rating

of 8. He rolls eight Gear Dice and gets one x

and one l . Tyrgar suffers 3 points of damage

and his Armor Rating is decreased by 1. Tyrgar

chooses to let his chainmail take the hit and

its Armor Rating is thus decreased to 5.





Leather 2 3 Body Light

Studded Leather 3 5 Body

Chainmail 6 24 Body Heavy item. Armor Rating 3

against arrows and Stabs.

Plate Armor 8 80 Body Heavy item. Modifies Move

by –2

Studded Leather 1 2 Head Light


Open Helmet 2 8 Head Light

Closed Helmet 3 18 Head

Great Helm 4 30 Head Modifies Scout by –2


chapter 5

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