Eiliv Vinje - Universitetet i Bergen

Eiliv Vinje - Universitetet i Bergen

Eiliv Vinje - Universitetet i Bergen


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——— 1990 Rhetoric in the European Tradition, Chicago (The University of Chicago<br />

Press).<br />

CROLL, MORRIS W. 1989 Style, Rhetoric, and Rhythm, utg. ved J. M. Patrick, R. O. Evans,<br />

J. M. Wallace, R. J. Schoeck, Woodbridge, Connecticut (Ox Bow Press) [1966].<br />

CULLER, JONATHAN 1975 Structuralist Poetics. Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of<br />

Literature, London (Routledge and Kegan Paul).<br />

——— 1976 Saussure, London (Fontana).<br />

——— 1990 Barthes, London (Fontana Press) [1983].<br />

CURTIUS, ERNST ROBERT 1990 European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, Princeton<br />

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DE MAN, PAUL 1979 "Semiology and Rhetoric", Allegories of Reading. Figural Language<br />

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DEMETRIOS On style, gr.-eng. utg. ved D. C. Innes, Cambridge, Aristotle: Poetics,<br />

Longinus: On the Sublime, Demetrius: On Style, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Harvard<br />

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DERRIDA, JACQUES 1988 "Structure, sign and play in the discourse of the hu man<br />

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DONNE, JOHN 1994 The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose, utg. ved C. M. Coffin, New<br />

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DUBOIS, JACQUES (o.a.) 1974 Allgemeine Rhetorik, tysk utg. ved A. Schütz, München<br />

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ECO, UMBERTO 1979 The Role of the Reader. Explorations in the Semiotic of Texts,<br />

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