Jonsered CS 2138 C Chainsaw 01 - Barrett Small Engine

Jonsered CS 2138 C Chainsaw 01 - Barrett Small Engine

Jonsered CS 2138 C Chainsaw 01 - Barrett Small Engine


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PARTS LIST NO.DATE10/05/0553<strong>01</strong>65859Replaces53<strong>01</strong>65859 -- 9/16/05PARTS LISTNote: Illustration may differ from actual model due to design changesCHAIN SAW MODEL(s)<strong>CS</strong><strong>2138</strong>CPAGE NO.211213141511161<strong>01</strong>79842318192074265414021222325262439 38WARNINGAll repairs, adjustments and maintenance notdescribed in the Operator’s Manual must beperformed by qualified service personnel.3637292734353028<strong>Engine</strong>GasketKit3332434431Ref. Part No. Description Ref. Part No. Description Ref. Part No. Description1. 530 <strong>01</strong> 61-53 S c r ew19. 530 07 18-89 K it - C ar b. A dapt or36. 530 03 87-29 R ing - P is t on2. 530 03 92-32 Module - I gnit ion( Incl. # 20,38,41)37. 530 05 78-86 I ns er t - R ight ( gr ay ) C y l.3. 530 <strong>01</strong> 64-32 S c r ew20. 530 07 18-94 G as k et - c y l. o - r ing ( k it ) 38. 530 07 18-94 S eal - A dapt or ( k it )4. 530 05 86-61 S t r ap - G r ound21. 952 03 <strong>01</strong>-50 A c c y - S par k P lug ( R C J - 7Y ) 39. 530 <strong>01</strong> 64-26 S c r ew5. 530 05 79-43 A s s y - W ir e H ar nes s 22. 530 07 18-84 K it - C y linder ( I nc l. 29, 37) 40. 530 07 18-94 G as k et - C ar b. ( k it )6. 530 05 56-98 R ef lec t or - Tape23. 530 05 86-60 C lip - H igh Tens ion Lead 41. 530 05 79-26 Tube - I nt ak e7. 530 05 78-72 S hield - C y linder ( I nc l. 1, 6) 24. 530 07 18-87 K it - Muff ler42. 530 <strong>01</strong> 61-<strong>01</strong> N ut - C ar b.8. 530 <strong>01</strong> 60-80 S c r ew(Incl. 25,26,27,28)43. 530 07 18-94 K it - G as k et9. 530 05 78-91 Lev er - I gnit ion S w it c h 25. 530 05 79-42 B ac k plat e - Muff ler(Incl . 20,26,38,40)10. 530 05 79-08 S pr ing - I gnit ion S w it c h 26. 530 07 18-94 G as k et - Muff ler ( k it ) 44. 530 03 11-35 S c r enc h11. 530 05 93-99 K nob - C hok e27. r r es t or530 07 18-86 K it - S par k A12. 530 05 90-<strong>01</strong> C ov er - A ir F ilt er28. 530 <strong>01</strong> 63-38 B olt - Muff ler13. 530 05 78-69 F ilt er - A ir29. 530 05 78-85 I ns er t - Lef t ( blac k ) C y l.Not Shown14. 530 <strong>01</strong> 64-25 S c r ew30. 530 <strong>01</strong> 25-37 A s s y - C r ank s haft/R od15. 530 15 00-29 H ous ing - A ir F ilt er w / c able 31. 530 <strong>01</strong> 64-17 B olt53<strong>01</strong>65707 Manual -Operator16. - - - C ar bur et or32. 530 05 79-41 C ap - C r ank c as e530059905 Decal -Warning530 03 55-90 Z ama W 2633. 530 05 63-63 A s s y - B ear ing/ S eal17. 530 06 92-47 K it - F uel Line ( S mall) 34. 530 07 18-83 K it - P is t on ( I nc l. 35, 36)18. 530 04 77-21 B ulb - P ur ge “ s nap - in” 35. 530 <strong>01</strong> 56-97 R et ainer - P is t on P inn = NEW PART NUMBER FOR THIS IPLK = REFER TO THE SERVICE REFERENCE INDICATED FOR MORE INFORMATION. (LOCATED AT END OF IPL)<strong>Jonsered</strong> Parts

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