Last ned PDF - Norsk Flygelederforening

Last ned PDF - Norsk Flygelederforening

Last ned PDF - Norsk Flygelederforening


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Denne tekstmeldingen sendte New York-flygelederPatrick Harten (35) til kona Regina 15. januar i år:«Had a crash.Not OK. Can´ttalk now.»3:28:31 New York TRACON:«Alright cactus 1549. It's going tobe a left. Traffic to runway 3-1.»3:28:34 Flight 1549: «Unable.»3:28:36 New York TRACON:«Okay, what do you need to land?»3:28:46 New York TRACON:«Cactus 1549, runway four isavailable if you want to makeleft traffic to runway four.»3:28:50 Flight 1549: «I am notsure if we can make any runway.Oh, what's that over to our right?Anything in New Jersey, maybeTeterboro?»3:28:55 New York TRACON:«Okay yea, off to your right isTeterboro airport.»3:29:02 New York TRACON:«Do you want to try and go toTeterboro?»3:29:03 Flight 1549: «Yes.»3:29:05 New York TRACON:«Teterboro, uh, empire actually.LaGuardia departure got anemergency inbound.»3:29:10 Teterboro: «Okay, goahead.»3:29:11 New York TRACON:«Cactus 1529, Over the GeorgeWashington Bridge want to goto the airport right now.»3:29:14 Teterboro: «He wantsto go to our airport check. Doeshe need any assistance?»3:29:17 New York TRACON: «Ah,yes, he, ah, was a bird strike. Can Iget him in for runway one?»>>flygelederen 1 0921

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