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Henning Jacobsen Achton.It is said that Antonius Mortensen Kierulff "was a poor spouse andhis wife a conceited spendthrift, for which reason they wereconstantly troubled by financial difficulties."Antonius Mortensen Kierulff and Margrethe Numsen had only twochildren (listed in the Norwegian text).He married Margrethe Numsen, daughter of Corfitz Numsen, 1711. Born1680. Died 1727. They had the following children:52 i. Henning Jakob Kierulff = 13b-TCK-pg-47 = (KS-pg-247) =53 ii. Maren Preus Kierulff48. Johanne Marie Kjærulf. Born 1690. Died 1735.She married Fredrik Christian Heuser. Died 1761.49. Hans Mortensen Kjærulf. Born 1692. Died 1743.He married Marie Magdalena Olsd. Wiborg. Born 1696. Died 1765.50. Karen Mortensd. Kjærulf. Born 1693. Died 1739.She married Peder Pedersen Wium. Born 1683. Died 1740.51. Morten Olsen Mortensen Kjærulf. Born 1696. Died 1701.10th Generation52. Henning Jakob Kierulff. Born 1713. Died 1773. = 13b-TCK-pg-47 = (KS-pg-247) =Henning Jakob Kierulff was born in Hyllested in 1713 and died in1773, at which time he was a pastor in Nannestad. Upon the death ofhis father in 1723 he was sent to a school in Roskilde. His father'sbrother, counsellor Anders Mortensen Kjærulf of Kristiansand, lookedafter him, and later a paternal uncle of his mother, Mathias Numsen,a justice official in Copenhagen. He began studying in Roskilde in1733, receiving his degree in theology in 1739 and shortly thereafterbeginning as a private tutor in Kristiansand.After several years he became "personellkapellan" (an assistantpastor paid by the pastor himself) in Undal, and in 1743 "residerendekapellan" (assistant pastor) at Valle in Undal. After a year asmilitary chaplain, he was offered the position as pastor in Lom,Gudbrandsdalen. From there he moved to Nannestad in 1754, where heremained until his death.Henning Jakob Kierulff was first married in 1745 to Ingeborg MuntheLem, who was born in 1717 and died in 1751. She was the widow ofpastor Ole Dampe of Valle. His second wife was Margrethe Sofie Stud,who was born in Eidsberg in 1729 and died at a home for widows atLøken in Holter (a section of Nannestad parish) in 1775.As a curiosity piece we shall print what was written as an address onthe cover of a long prologue <strong>com</strong>posed by law clerk P. Holst on theoccasion of Henning Jakob Kierulff's first wedding:We shall only include a few lines here from the poem: If the Lord inyears past took from the bride her husband And thus placed her in alamentable condition Together with the children, both of them So hasGod our Lord now brought happiness again And granted her a bridegroomand friend God can make all things turn out for the best.(Translator: The original Norwegian is rhymed.)It is both ostentatious and elegant, and we are not <strong>com</strong>pelled tosearch for a meaning. It is an echo of "Det Norske Selskab" (aliterary circle) in Copenhagen, and we are reminded of the verse ofPeter Dass, Edvard Storm and other poets from the mid-18th century.Our great-great-great-grandfather had these children by his two wives(list included in the Norwegian text)He first married Margrethe Sofie Stud. Born 1729. Died 1775. They hadthe following children:54 i. Ingeborg Christine Kierulff55 ii. Nicolava Elisabeth Kierulff56 iii. Margrete Sofie Kierulff57 iv. Corfitz Numsen Kierulff58 v. Christian Kierulff59 vi. Christiane Kierulff60 vii. Ulrik Frederik Kierulff = 14k-TCK-pg–48 = (KS-254) =61 viii. Anna Barbara Kierulff62 ix. Charlotte Amalie Kierulff63 x. Maren Preus KierulfHe second married Ingeborg Munthe Lem, 1745. Born 1717. Died 1751.

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