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This information on the various lines through the Middle Ages all theway back to the murky realms of Norway's distant past has beengathered for the most part from "Adelskalenderen" (Calendar ofNobility), a yearbook that has collected information about noblefamily lines over the years. Norwegian aristocratic families are alsoreferred to in "Danmarks adels Aarbog" (The Yearbook of DanishNobility).Now we shall return to the descendants of Bodil Hansdatter and MortenPederson Kjærulf.Bodil Hansdatter became a widow early in her life. As was mentionedearlier, Morten Pedersen Kjærulf died in 1600, and his widow marriedLars Pedersen, assembly clerk and later tax collector for Kjærtownship. Bodil Hansdatter and Morten Pedersen had 4 children:(listed in Norwegian text).They had the following children:16 i. Oluf Mortensen Kjærulf17 ii. Niels Mortensen Kjærulf = 6b-TCK-pg-21118 iii. Anders Mortensen Kjærulf19 iv. Inger Mortensd. Kjærulf = 6d-TCK-pg-227 == “and” = TCK-pg-12 =14. Anna Pedersdatter Kjærulf.15. Anne Pedersdatter Kjærulf.Sixth Generation16. Oluf Mortensen Kjærulf. Died 1653.17. Niels Mortensen Kjærulf. = 6b-TCK-pg-21118. Anders Mortensen Kjærulf.19. Inger Mortensd. Kjærulf. Died 1661. = 6d-TCK-pg-227 “and” 6d-TCK-pg-12 =About 1608 she married Bertel Thomsen Kjærulf of Bundegaard, WestHolne, Vadum parish. She died about 1661. He died in 1660.During the first years that Inger Mortensdatter and Bertel Kjærulflived at Bundegaard they had a lot of trouble with a woman livingnear the farm who was thought to be a witch. The account of thiscunning woman, Anne Lumpen, provides us with a good picture of thethinking and superstition of the time, but is also an example of howcalculating women could exploit this fear and superstition to theirown advantage. This was the time when witches were burned at thestake, so she understood the risk she was taking.When Anne got into a quarrel with someone, she was quick to speak ofthe evil that would befall them if she didn't get her way. Then, ifsomeone had some difficulties or an accident, it was Anne's fault.They believed she was a witch and could work magic and cast spells onpeople. They became fearful of her and were reluctant to say no whenshe asked for something; and, essentially, she lived from begging.Little by little she became bolder and more impudent. Finally, aftera series of accidents on the Bundegaard farm and other places in theparish, Bertel Thomsen brought a lawsuit against her.After a long legal proceeding involving many witnesses, Anne wasconvicted of witchcraft by a twelve-man parish court of justice onJune 9, 1618. There were a number of Kjærulfs among the witnesses andmembers of the court.Anne, of course, maintained that she was not guilty, but the NationalAssembly confirmed the verdict of the parish court. Klitgaard writesthat " on a summer day a short time thereafter smoke rose from a fireup at Hammer Bakker near the Kjær parish assembly; and both churchmenand ordinary parish citizens turned out in large numbers to watchAnne Lumpen burn on the pyre."During the war of 1627-29 the Bundegaard farm was pillaged and thefamily driven out by enemy troops, and during a later war with Swedenthe farm was also ravaged by the enemy.In 1653-54 Bertel Thomsen had to sell some sections of the farm tostave off creditors.Inger Mortensdatter and Bertel Thomsen had 1 son and 8 daughters(list of names in Norwegian text)She married Bertel Thomsen Kjærulf, 1608. Died 1660.They had the following children:20 i. Karen Bertelsd. Kjærulf = NOTE =

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