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horses at an average price of 55 crowns. At night the horses ran loose in the backbuilding of Vestergade 25, morning and evening they were driven loose through thestreets to and from a field at Kongensgade. He purchased, and wholly or partially portionedout, the following: Uttrupgaard (now an old folks’ home), the parsonage property,Bonnes woods from the avenue out to Vestergade, Holt’s 60 tønder (one tonder of landis 5500 cubic meters) farm, Haagensens 25 tønder farm. From the 2,800 tønder StoreRestrup farm, of which he was a partial owner, he parceled out Restrup Enge (RestrupMeadows) for smallholders. Dronningens Street and Niels Lykkes Street are whollyor partially situated on the property he owned.He helped found the Bank of Nørresundby and the surrounding area, and was amember of the bank’s board until his death. Nørresundby has never had agreater town patriot. 7 children16a. THOMAS KLITGAARD III b. 16 June 1879, d. 24 May 1948; married10 May 1918 INGRED JENSEN, b. 17 February 1891, daughter of silver smithJensen in Aalborg. Klitgaard was a hide and fur dealer in Aalborg and Nørresundby.An adopted daughter Kirsten Klitgaard, b. 19 June 1924, single (1958),lives with her mother in Nørresundby.16b. KNUD TOFT KLITGAARD, B. 31 March 1881; married 16 May 19067BERTI NE MARIE JENSEN, b. 31 May 1886, d. 4 October 1959, daughterof Jens Jensen, Nørre Rottrup. Klitgaard owned the 420 tønder Mølholt farmfor 7 years, moved to Langesminde in 1912, which he turne over to his son in 1958and moved to Hals. 2 children17a. JOHANNE KLITGAARD, b. 17 September 1908; married25 July 1936 to ALFRED FRIIS b. 17 December 1902. Friis managesthe co-op in Rold. From his first marriage he has a son, Per Friis,b. 6 February 1935. From his second marriage (with Johanne), 2 children18a. JǾRGEN KLITGAARD FRIIS, b. 18 October 1941.18b. OLE KLITGAARD FRIIS, b. 10 May 1948.17b. JENS CARL KLITGAARD, b. 11 January 1911.Owned Langesminde from 1958.16c. ELSE KLITGAARD, b. 13 December 1882, d. 29 December, 1960; married6 June 1906 to ALFRED FREDERIK VENGE d. 28 September 1929. Venge wasa wholesaler and representative (could be political or business) in Aarhus, laterwholesaler and manufacturer in Copenhagen. One adopted daughter,Annelise Venge, b. 13 August 1911, married 23 May 1942

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