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Another famous contemporary of great-grandfather whom we must mentionhere was Jørgen Moe. He was somewhat younger than Kjerulf, was bornin 1813, began his studies in 1830, and did not take his degree intheology until 1839. There were a number of reasons he took so longto <strong>com</strong>plete his studies, one of them being an unhappy love affair.There were also periods of nervous depression. One Sunday, during thetime Kjerulf was assistant pastor in Hole, Moe was conducting worshipservice. Everything went well until he climbed up to the pulpit. Hestood there without uttering a single word. It was a case of thenotorious "white fog", which occasionally afflicts speakers andleaves them bereft of all thoughts and words. He stood theremotionless for a few minutes, then calmly stepped down from thepulpit.We know that Jørgen Moe went on to be<strong>com</strong>e both a courageous andeloquent pastor. He demonstrated this in many instances during thetime he was pastor in Sigdal and Krødsherad, and later bishop inKristiansand. I have not, however, seen the anecdote concerning hisfirst sermon in any of the many biographies written about him in hiscapacities as pastor, collector of fairy tales, and poet. Perhapsthis story has only been told within our own family.We have now reached a point in time so close to our own that we areable to glean information from stories and local histories. "I canremember that Kjerulf often sat on that stone and looked out over thevalley", said Wilhelm Eidsgaard, and pointed to a stone up by the oldchurch. Today there are none who remember him in this manner, butboth Svello and Haavelsmo tell about him in their farm histories andgenealogies. Incidently, there are a number of errors in Svello'sbook, both with respect to names and dates.In the "kaldsbok" (book that records appointments to a pastorate) forGol we read: "Pastor Kjerulf is regarded by his parishioners as afriendly, sociable and extremely amenable person." This is verylikely a correct assessment, and it is possible his congeniality andpeaceable nature were the reason that his three gifted sons remainedat home and did not receive an education. It has been said, and Ihave seen this in print, that it was their mother's fear ofabandoning her spirited sons to the dangers of the big city that wasthe primary reason, and that their peaceable father acquiesced.Manual labor was not something for the sons of civil servants inthose days, so they hunted, fished and whiled away their time. Itwas certainly poor preparation for a life of farming in a mountain<strong>com</strong>munity.Jens Lauritz Kjerulf and Henriette Philipine Dunker had thesechildren (listed in the Norwegian text).He married Henriette Philipine Dunker, daughter of Henrik Dunker &Charlotte Lutzow, 1833 in Valdres, Norway. Born 1804. Died 1880 inValdres, Norway. They had the following children:70 i. Ulrik Fredrik Kjerulf = 16a-TCK-pg-49 =71 ii. Henrik Dunker Kjerulf72 iii. Carl Henning Jacob Kjerulf73 iv. Eleonora Helene Marie Kjerulf Philipine = 16d-TCK-pg-49 =74 v. Charlotte Jacobine Wilhelmine Kjerulf13th Generation70. Ulrik Fredrik Kjerulf. Born 8 Dec 1834. Died 16 Nov 1914. = 16a-TCK-pg-49 =He married Kristi Haavelsen. Born 28 Dec 1839. Died 16 Feb 1907. Theyhad the following children:75 i. Jensine Henriette (Jetta) Kjerulf = 17a-TCK-pg-49 =76 ii. Barbo Kjerulf77 iii. Christine Kjerulf78 iv. Jens Lauritz Kjerulf79 v. Birgit Kjerulf80 vi. Eleonora Kjerulf = 17f-TCK-pg-49 =71. Henrik Dunker Kjerulf. Born 1836. Died 1914.He married Marie Evjen. Born 1853. Died 1908.72. Carl Henning Jacob Kjerulf. Born 12 Jun 1839. Died 2 Apr 1874.73. Eleonora Helene Marie Kjerulf Philipine. Born 1 Feb 1841. Died 4 Jun 1925.She married Ole Pedersen Olsgaard, son of Peder Olsen Olsgaard &

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