User Manual - Data Migration - DK - Energinet.dk

User Manual - Data Migration - DK - Energinet.dk

User Manual - Data Migration - DK - Energinet.dk


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Brugermanual – <strong>Data</strong>migreringVersion 1.0.4Dato 13. april 2012RuleNumberRule Description Attribute Rule Type ExplanationVAL-090VAL-091VAL-092VAL-093VAL-094VAL-096VAL-098VAL-101VAL-102The 2nd to 12th scheduled meter readingdates of a metering point are empty if the firstscheduled meter reading date is not availableThe meter reading occurrence of an hourlysettled (consumption) metering point must bePT1H (Every hour)The meter reading occurrence of a manualprofile settled (consumption) metering pointmust be ANDET (Other)The physical indication of a newly establishedmetering point has default value 1 (Yes)The product of a newly established meteringpoint has default value 8716867000030(Active energy)The energy time series measure unit of anewly established metering point has defaultvalue KWH (kWh)TypeOfMP/SettlementMethodScheduledMeterReadingDat Dependencye1ScheduledMeterReadingDate2..12MeterReadingOccurrenceTypeOfMP/SettlementMethodDomainDependencyMeterReadingOccurrence DomainTypeOfMP/MPReadingChara Dependencycteristics/SettlementMethodPhysicalMeteringPointPhysicalStatusOfMPProductPhysicalStatusOfMPEnergyTimeSeriesMeasureUnitThe second consumer party name of a SecondConsumerPartyNammetering point is empty if the consumer CVR is eavailableConsumerCVRThe start date time for meter data ismandatoryThe start date time for meter data has formatYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MMZDefaultDefaultDomainDependency-Value only allowed when additional condition(s) met, i.e. multiple scheduled meterreading dates may only occur when the first reading date is availableOnly a subset of the available domain values is allowedOnly a subset of the available domain values is allowedDefault value to be used for new metering point (not available in RSM-007)Default value to be used for new metering point (not available in RSM-007)Only specific domain values are allowedOnly allowed if no consumer CVR availableStartDatetime Obligation Meter data cannot be registered in CCR without a valid start date timeStartDatetime Format Time format is '--T:Z', so length is restricted to 17VAL-103 The end date time for meter data is mandatory EndDatetime Obligation Meter data cannot be registered in CCR without a valid end date timeVAL-104VAL-105VAL-106The end date time for meter data has formatYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MMZThe number of values for a meter data timeseries doesn't match the meter readingoccurrence of the master dataThe energy quantity for meter data ismandatoryEndDatetime Format Time format is '--T:Z', so length is restricted to 17StartDatetimeEndDatetimeMeterReadingOccurrenceReferenceE.g. for a normal day 1 day will typically contain 24 values when the meter readingoccurrence equals 1 hour (note daylight savings shifts must be taken into acount)EnergyQuantity Obligation Meter data cannot be registered in CCR without a valid energy quantityside 59 af 60

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