User Manual - Data Migration - DK - Energinet.dk

User Manual - Data Migration - DK - Energinet.dk

User Manual - Data Migration - DK - Energinet.dk


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Brugermanual – <strong>Data</strong>migreringVersion 1.0.4Dato 13. april 2012RuleNumberRule Description Attribute Rule Type ExplanationVAL-075VAL-076digits ´57´The physical indication of a metering point ismandatoryThe physical indication of a metering point hasdomain values 1 (Yes), 0 (No)PhysicalMeteringPoint Obligation A metering point cannot be registered in CCR without a valid physical indicationPhysicalMeteringPoint Domain Only specific domain values are allowedVAL-077 The product of a metering point is mandatory Product Obligation A metering point cannot be registered in CCR without a valid productVAL-078VAL-079VAL-080VAL-081VAL-082VAL-083VAL-084VAL-085VAL-086VAL-087VAL-089The product of a metering point has domainvalues 8716867000030 (Active energy),8716867000047 (Reactive energy)The fuel type of a metering point has domainvalues 1 (Environmentally friendly), 0 (Notenvironmentally friendly)The PSO exempt of a metering point hasdomain values 1 Yes), 0 (No)The sub type of a metering point has domainvalues M0 (Consumption), M1 (Netgeneration), M2 (Supply from grid), M3(Supply to grid)The energy time series measure unit of ametering point is mandatoryProduct Domain Only specific domain values are allowedFuelType Domain Only specific domain values are allowedPSOExempt Domain Only specific domain values are allowedMeteringPointSubType Domain Only specific domain values are allowedEnergyTimeSeriesMeasureUnitObligationThe energy time series measure unit of a EnergyTimeSeriesMeasureU Domainmetering point has domain values KWH (kWh), nitK3 (kVArh)The street name of a metering point ismandatoryThe first consumer party reference of ametering point is empty if the first consumerparty name is not availableThe second consumer party name of ametering point is empty if the first consumerparty name is not availableThe second consumer party reference of ametering point is empty if the secondconsumer party name is not availableOnly a profiled metering point can have up to12 scheduled meter reading datesA metering point cannot be registered in CCR without a valid energy time seriesmeasure unitOnly specific domain values are allowedStreetName Obligation A metering point cannot be registered in CCR without a valid street nameFirstConsumerPartyReferenceFirstConsumerPartyNameSecondConsumerPartyNameFirstConsumerPartyNameSecondConsumerPartyReferenceSecondConsumerPartyNameScheduledMeterReadingDate1..12DependencyDependencyDependencyObligationDependencyConsumer reference cannot exist without consumer nameSecond consumer cannot exist without first consumerConsumer reference cannot exist without consumer nameValue only allowed when additional condition(s) met, i.e. metering points that are notprofiled (or not consumption) do not have any scheduled meter reading dates at allside 58 af 60

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