SAS - Norsk Flytekniker Organisasjon

SAS - Norsk Flytekniker Organisasjon

SAS - Norsk Flytekniker Organisasjon


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Menu of toolsYou can’t manage what you can’t measure. Ecological Footprint accounting can help cities, states, andnations more accurately measure their natural capital surplus or deficit, identify key challenges and opportunities,and forecast the impact of different policies. Our resilience tool, called Net Present Value Plus (NPV+), can helpgovernment agencies at all levels manage their capital investments in a fiscally responsible and sustainable way.EcologicalFootprintAre we using moreresources than we have?Early warning:The Ecological Footprintcan help identify whichissues need to beaddressed most urgentlyto generate political willand guide policy action.Headline andIssue framing:The Ecological Footprintcan improve understandingof the problems, enablecomparisons acrosscountries and raisestakeholder awareness.Policy development:With the identificationof Footprint “hot-spots,”policy makers canprioritize policies andactions, often in thecontext of a broadersustainability policy.Monitoring:Footprint time trendsand projections can beused to monitor theshort- and long-termeffectiveness of policies.Net PresentValue PlusWill our investmentreduce our exposure tolimited resources?Investment analysis:NPV+ helps governmentsand public agenciesmore accurately measurethe long-term value oftheir investments ininfrastructure and naturalcapital.Future scenarios:NPV+ uses multiplescenarios to createa more realistic viewfor capital decisionsand more fully assessrisks and opportunities.Policy orientation:By understandingwhere the best long-termvalue is, policies can bereoriented toward betteroutcomes.Building resilience:Sound investmentsbuild wealth, avoidstranded assets andleave a better legacyfor future generations.19

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