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118KoPS LærerveiledningJansky, J. and de Hirsch, K. (1972). Preventing Reading Failure. New York: Harper and Row.Johnston, R.S. and Anderson, M.J. (1998) Memory span, naming speed and memory strategies inpoor and normal readers. Memory, 6, 143-163.Jorm, A.F. (1983) Specific reading retardation and working memory: a review. Br. J. Psychol., 74,311-342.Jorm, A.F., Share, D.L., MacLean, R. and Matthews, R. (1986) Cognitive factors at school entrypredictive of specific reading retardation and general reading backwardness: a research note.J. Child Psychol. And Psychiat, 27, 45-54.Keates, A. (2000) Dyslexia and Information and Communications Technology. A Guide forTeachers and Parents. London: David Fulton Publishers.Kingslake, B. (1982). The predictive (In) Accuracy of On-entry to school screening procedures whenused to anticipate learning difficulties. Special Education, 10 (4), 23-26.Kirtley, C., Bryant, P., MacLean, M. and Bradley, L. (1989) Rhyme, rime and the onset of reading.J. Exp. Child Psych., 48, 224-245.Knuckey, N. W. and Gubbay, S. S. (1983) Clumsy children: a prognostic study. AustralianPaediatric Journal, 19, 9-13.La Torre, R. A., Hawkhead, F., Kawahira, R. and Bilow, L. (1982). Kindergarten screening pilotproject in Vancouver schools 1979-1980: A two-year follow-up of the McCarthy ScreeningTest. British Columbia Journal of Special Education, 6, 23-41.Layton, L., Deeney, K., Tall, G. and Upton, G. (1996) Researching and promoting phonologicalawareness in the nursery class. J. Research in Reading, 19 (1), 1-13.Layton, L., and Upton, G. (1992) Phonological training and the pre-school child. Education 3-13, 20,34-36.Lichenstein, R. (1981) Comparative validity of two pre-school screening tests: Correlational andcomparative approaches. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 13 (2), 102-108.Lindsay, G. A. (1980) The infant rating scale. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 50 (2), 97-104.Livingstone, M. (1993) Parallel processing in the visual system and the brain: Is one subsystemselectively affected in dyslexia? In A.M.Galaburda (Ed.) Dyslexia and Development,Camb., Mass: Harvard University Press.Livingstone, M. and Hubel, D. (1987) Psychophysiological evidence for separate channels forthe perception of form, colour, movement and depth. J. Neuroscience, 7, 3416-3468.Lloyd, S. (1992) The phonics handbook. Essex: Jolly Learning.Lord, R. and Hulme, C. (1987) Kinaesthetic sensitivity of normal and clumsy children.Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 29, 720-725.Lovegrove, W. (1991) Spatial frequency processing in normal and dyslexic readers. In J. Stein(Ed.) Visual Dyslexia, Vol. 13 of Vision and Visual Dysfunction. London: Macmillan.Lovegrove, W. (1993) Do dyslexics have visual defect? In S.F. Wright and R. Groner (Eds.)Facets of dyslexia and its remediation, Amsterdam: North-Holland.Lovegrove, W. (1994) Visual deficits in dyslexia: evidence and implications. In A. Fawcett and R.Nicolson (Eds.) Dyslexia in children: multidisciplinary perspectives. London: HarvesterWheatsheaf. Pp. 113-136.Lovegrove, W. and Slaghuis, W. (1989) How reliable are visual differences found in dyslexics?Irish J. Psychology, 10, 542-550.

Vedlegg 119Lundberg, I. (1994) Reading difficulties can be predicted and prevented: a Scandinavian perspectiveon phonological awareness and reading. In Hulme and Snowling (Eds.) Reading Developmentand Dyslexia 11, 180-199, London, Whurr.Lundberg, I., Frost, J. and Peterson, O. (1988) Effects of an intensive program for stimulatingphonological awareness in pre-school children. Reading Research Quarterly, 23, 263-284.Lundberg, I. and Hoien, T. (1989) Phonemic deficits: A core symptom of developmental dyslexia?Irish J. Psychology, 10, 579-592.Lundberg, I., Olofsson, A. and Wall, S. (1981) Reading and spelling skills in the first school yearspredicted from phonemic awareness skills in kindergarten. Scandinavian J. Psychology, 21,159-172.Manis, F.R., McBride-Chang, C., Seidenberg, M.S., Keating, P., Doi, L.M., Muson, B. and Petersen,A. (1997) Are speech perception deficits associated with developmental dyslexia? Journal ofExperimental Child Psychology, 56, 64-84.Mann, V.A. and Liberman, I.Y. (1984) Phonological awareness and verbal short-term memory. J.Learning Dis., 17, 592-599.Mattis, S., French, J.H. and Rapin, I. (l975) Dyslexia in children and young adults: Threeindependent neuropsychological syndromes. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology17, 150-63.Mattocks, L. and Hynd, G.W. (1986) Color anomia: Clinical, developmental and neuropathologicalissues. Devel. Neuropsychol., 2(2) 101-112.McBride-Chang, C. (1996) Models of speech perception and phonological processing in reading.Child Development, 67, 1836-1856.McDougall, S. and Hulme, C. (1994) Short-term memory, speech rate and phonological awareness aspredictors of learning to read. In C. Hulme and M. J. Snowling (Eds.) Reading Developmentand Dyslexia. London: Whurr.Miles, E. (1992) The Bangor Teaching System 2 nd Edition, London: Whurr.Miles, T.R., and Miles, E. (1999) Dyslexia A Hundred Years On 2 nd Edition, Buckingham: OpenUniversity Press.Morgan, W. Pringle (1896) A case of congenital word blindness. Br. Medical J. 2, 1378.Muter, V. (l994) The influence of phonological awareness and letter knowledge on beginningreading and spelling development, in C. Hulme and M J. Snowling (Eds), ReadingDevelopment and Dyslexia, 4, 45-62, London, Whurr Publishers.Myklebust, H.R. and Johnson, D.J., (l962) Dyslexia in Children. Exceptional Children 29, 14-25.Naglieri, J.A. (1985) Matrix Analogies Test (MAT). New York: The PsychologicalCorporation.Neale, M. D. (1989). Neale Analysis of Reading Ability — Revised British Edition Windsor: NFER-Nelson.Newton, M. J. and Thompson, M. E. (1982) The Aston Index. Wisbech: LDA.Newton, M. J., Thompson, M. E. and Richards, I. L. (1979). Readings in Dyslexia. Wisbech: LDA.Nicolson, R. I. (1990) Hypermedia: An enabling technology for empirical psychology.Unpublished.Norusis, M. J. (1992). SPSS for Windows: Base System User’s Guide — Release 5.0. Chicago: SPSSInc.

118KoPS LærerveiledningJansky, J. and de Hirsch, K. (1972). Preventing Reading Failure. New York: Harper and Row.Johnston, R.S. and Anderson, M.J. (1998) Memory span, naming speed and memory strategies inpoor and normal readers. Memory, 6, 143-163.Jorm, A.F. (1983) Specific reading retardation and working memory: a review. Br. J. Psychol., 74,311-342.Jorm, A.F., Share, D.L., MacLean, R. and Matthews, R. (1986) Cognitive factors at school entrypredictive of specific reading retardation and general reading backwardness: a research note.J. Child Psychol. And Psychiat, 27, 45-54.Keates, A. (2000) Dyslexia and Information and Communications Technology. A Guide forTeachers and Parents. London: David Fulton Publishers.Kingslake, B. (1982). The predictive (In) Accuracy of On-entry to school screening procedures whenused to anticipate learning difficulties. Special Education, 10 (4), 23-26.Kirtley, C., Bryant, P., MacLean, M. and Bradley, L. (1989) Rhyme, rime and the onset of reading.J. Exp. Child Psych., 48, 224-245.Knuckey, N. W. and Gubbay, S. S. (1983) Clumsy children: a prognostic study. AustralianPaediatric Journal, 19, 9-13.La Torre, R. A., Hawkhead, F., Kawahira, R. and Bilow, L. (1982). Kindergarten screening pilotproject in Vancouver schools 1979-1980: A two-year follow-up of the McCarthy ScreeningTest. British Columbia Journal of Special Education, 6, 23-41.Layton, L., Deeney, K., Tall, G. and Upton, G. (1996) Researching and promoting phonologicalawareness in the nursery class. J. Research in Reading, 19 (1), 1-13.Layton, L., and Upton, G. (1992) Phonological training and the pre-school child. Education 3-13, 20,34-36.Lichenstein, R. (1981) Comparative validity of two pre-school screening tests: Correlational andcomparative approaches. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 13 (2), 102-108.Lindsay, G. A. (1980) The infant rating scale. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 50 (2), 97-104.Livingstone, M. (1993) Parallel processing in the visual system and the brain: Is one subsystemselectively affected in dyslexia? In A.M.Galaburda (Ed.) Dyslexia and Development,Camb., Mass: Harvard University Press.Livingstone, M. and Hubel, D. (1987) Psychophysiological evidence for separate channels forthe perception of form, colour, movement and depth. J. Neuroscience, 7, 3416-3468.Lloyd, S. (1992) The phonics handbook. Essex: Jolly Learning.Lord, R. and Hulme, C. (1987) Kinaesthetic sensitivity of normal and clumsy children.Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 29, 720-725.Lovegrove, W. (1991) Spatial frequency processing in normal and dyslexic readers. In J. Stein(Ed.) Visual Dyslexia, Vol. 13 of Vision and Visual Dysfunction. London: Macmillan.Lovegrove, W. (1993) Do dyslexics have visual defect? In S.F. Wright and R. Groner (Eds.)Facets of dyslexia and its remediation, Amsterdam: North-Holland.Lovegrove, W. (1994) Visual deficits in dyslexia: evidence and implications. In A. Fawcett and R.Nicolson (Eds.) Dyslexia in children: multidisciplinary perspectives. London: HarvesterWheatsheaf. Pp. 113-136.Lovegrove, W. and Slaghuis, W. (1989) How reliable are visual differences found in dyslexics?Irish J. Psychology, 10, 542-550.

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