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“If our nation is to benefit from the next generation of clean coaltechnology, the private sector needs greater certainty and robustfinancial support in order to make the necessary investments.”-Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) 37For the CCPI, DOE has issued three solicitations forprojects. There remains only one project in the secondround dedicated to CCS, and three in the thirdround. Under the loan guarantee program DOE hasonly ever approved two applications for projects thatincorporated CCS, one of which would have used theCO2 to increase oil extraction but was abandoned. 40DOE nonetheless is soliciting another $8 billion in loanguarantees for “clean fossil energy innovation.” 41Carbon Capture Scam Chapter: 1© Daniel Beltrá / GreenpeaceThe loan guarantee program may not be as wastefulin theory as a federal grant, but it still constitutesa public subsidy in keeping with the World TradeOrganization definition of a subsidy – a financial contributionby a government or any public body whichconfers a benefit to a specific industry. 42 In addition, aGovernmental Accountability Office report found thathalf of federally guaranteed loans for energy projectsgo into default, in which case the US taxpayer footsthe bill for any disbursement not recovered. 43With all the projects abandoned under the CCPI andloan guarantee program, cost concerns were themain issue cited. Thus, at the drafting of this reportthereremain four utility-scale CCS projects as part ofthe CCPI, and every single one is intended to use thescrubbed CO2 to increase oil extraction.There was one other carbon capture power plantproject, FutureGen, which was a long saga begununder President Bush in 2003, and revamped multipletimes. FutureGen was canceled in early 2015 for thethird time. The FutureGen cancellation was againdue to costs, as well as, reasonably, the likelihood itwould not meet the deadline for completion. 44 Privatebackers of FutureGen are suing in Illinois court to getelectricity ratepayers to cover their costs. 45Page 8

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