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Greenpeace is an independentcampaigning organization that acts toexpose global environmental problemsand achieve solutions that are essentialto a green and peaceful future.Published April 2015 byGreenpeace USA702 H Street NW Suite 300Washington, DC 20001Tel/ 202.462.1177Fax/ 202.462.4507Date: 04/15/2015Project manager, lead author,and analysis:Kyle AshEditing:Emily RochonIris ChengCharlie CrayPerry WheelerJoe SmythResearch:Brian JohnsonShamika RanasingheColleen HertzRachael HobsonLisa PahelLuan DongDarya MinoviGraphics and Production:Andrew Fournierall photos © Greenpeace© Greenpeace Page 2

CONTENTSIntroduction 4Chapter 1 5CCS Is A Costly Distraction That Cannot Save The Climate 5CCS as Climate Solution 5A Federal Embrace 6Utility-Scale Carbon Capture Projects in the United States 9Kemper County Energy Facility (Southern Company) 9Texas Clean Energy Project (Summit Power Group) 9Petra Nova (NRG Energy and JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corp.) 10Hydrogen Energy California Project (SCS Energy) 10A Tragic Waste of Scarce Public Dollars 11Chapter 2 15Capturing Carbon Will Increase Climate Pollution 15CC-EOR Is an Oil Industry Strategy 15No Green Stamp 16Chapter 3 20Sequestration is a Bad Bet; People – not Polluters – Bear the Risk 20Odds of CO2 Leakage are High, and Leakage is Bad 20Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Mind the Odds 23Chapter 4 24CO2 Capture Will Increase the Environmental Impact of Coal 24Water Use 24Air and Water Pollution 24Toxic Coal Ash 25Public Health and the Economy 25Conclusion 26Methodology for Calculating ‘Cost of AvoidedEmissions per EIA’ (kilograms per kilowatt hour) 27Figure 1: Electricity Generation Structure – Comparing Greenpeace E[R] Scenariowith Energy Information Administration Scenario 11Figure 2: Cost of Avoided Emissions per EIA (kilograms per kilowatt hour) 14Figure 3: Relative Costs of Avoided CO2 (per kilogram, per kWh) 14Figure 4: CO2 Injection = Much More Oil 16Figure 5: CO2 Capture = More Coal, More Oil, More CO2 19Figure 6: Potential Sites for CO2 Sequestration 22Figure 7: Areas of Active or Potential Fracking 22Appendix 27References 28Acronyms and Abbreviations:ARRA – American Recovery andReinvestment ActCBO – Congressional Budget OfficeCCPI – Clean Coal Power InitiativeCCS – Carbon Capture andSequestration (or Storage)CC-EOR – Carbon Capture forEnhanced Oil RecoveryCDM – Clean Development MechanismCO2-EOR – Enhanced Oil Recoverywith CO2 InjectionDOE – Department of EnergyEGU – Electricity Generating UnitEIA – Energy Information AdministrationEOR – Enhanced Oil RecoveryEPA – Environmental Protection AgencyE[R] – Energy [R]evolution reportGHG – Greenhouse GasIEA – International Energy AgencyIGCC – Integrated GasificationCombined CycleKW – KilowattKwh – Kilowatt Hourmtpa – megatons per annumMW – MegawattMWh – Megawatt hourNEORI – National Enhanced OilRecovery InitiativeTCEP – Texas Clean Energy PlantTWh/a – Terawatt hours per annumPage 3

CONTENTSIntroduction 4Chapter 1 5CCS Is A Costly Distraction That Cannot Save The Climate 5CCS as Climate Solution 5A Federal Embrace 6Utility-Scale Carbon Capture Projects in the United States 9Kemper County Energy Facility (Southern Company) 9Texas Clean Energy Project (Summit Power Group) 9Petra Nova (NRG Energy and JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corp.) 10Hydrogen Energy California Project (SCS Energy) 10A Tragic Waste of Scarce Public Dollars 11Chapter 2 15Capturing Carbon Will Increase Climate Pollution 15CC-EOR Is an Oil Industry Strategy 15No Green Stamp 16Chapter 3 20Sequestration is a Bad Bet; People – not Polluters – Bear the Risk 20Odds of CO2 Leakage are High, and Leakage is Bad 20Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Mind the Odds 23Chapter 4 24CO2 Capture Will Increase the Environmental Impact of Coal 24Water Use 24Air and Water Pollution 24Toxic Coal Ash 25Public Health and the Economy 25Conclusion 26Methodology for Calculating ‘Cost of AvoidedEmissions per EIA’ (kilograms per kilowatt hour) 27Figure 1: Electricity Generation Structure – Comparing Greenpeace E[R] Scenariowith Energy Information Administration Scenario 11Figure 2: Cost of Avoided Emissions per EIA (kilograms per kilowatt hour) 14Figure 3: Relative Costs of Avoided CO2 (per kilogram, per kWh) 14Figure 4: CO2 Injection = Much More Oil 16Figure 5: CO2 Capture = More Coal, More Oil, More CO2 19Figure 6: Potential Sites for CO2 Sequestration 22Figure 7: Areas of Active or Potential Fracking 22Appendix 27References 28Acronyms and Abbreviations:ARRA – American Recovery andReinvestment ActCBO – Congressional Budget OfficeCCPI – Clean Coal Power InitiativeCCS – Carbon Capture andSequestration (or Storage)CC-EOR – Carbon Capture forEnhanced Oil RecoveryCDM – Clean Development MechanismCO2-EOR – Enhanced Oil Recoverywith CO2 InjectionDOE – Department of EnergyEGU – Electricity Generating UnitEIA – Energy Information AdministrationEOR – Enhanced Oil RecoveryEPA – Environmental Protection AgencyE[R] – Energy [R]evolution reportGHG – Greenhouse GasIEA – International Energy AgencyIGCC – Integrated GasificationCombined CycleKW – KilowattKwh – Kilowatt Hourmtpa – megatons per annumMW – MegawattMWh – Megawatt hourNEORI – National Enhanced OilRecovery InitiativeTCEP – Texas Clean Energy PlantTWh/a – Terawatt hours per annumPage 3

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