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CO2 Capture Will Increase theEnvironmental Impact of Coal4Carbon capture would do nothing to reduce mercury pollution, and couldeven exacerbate it by producing greater amounts of coal ash.Let’s assume CCS could work as its most idealisticproponents might argue. Assume it isn’t beingdeveloped for increasing oil extraction, but insteadto sequester the CO2 permanently from the atmosphere.At best, CCS would mitigate some of thecarbon pollution associated with burning coal, butit would do nothing to address a long list of manyother environmental and public health harms associatedwith coal use in the power sector. CCS wouldexacerbate many of these harms not just because itwould support continued use of coal, but becausepower plants using carbon capture require 20% ormore coal to provide the same amount of electricity.Using coal for electricity requires mining, washingand processing, transporting, burning, as well asdisposing of ash – in stark contrast with relyingon the wind and sun for energy. This last sectionhighlights some of the key ways in which CCS wouldmagnify coal’s environmental footprint.Water UseCoal-fired power plants are the largest users offreshwater (more than agricultural withdrawal) in theUnited States, 129 a particular problem for Westernand Midwestern states stricken by longer and moreextreme droughts caused by climate change. 130According to the US Department of Energy (DOE),both coal and natural gas-fired power plants withcarbon capture would consume far more water, upto twice as much as non-carbon capture plants. 131Coal plants also release and incredible amountof heated wastewater, damaging local freshwaterecosystems. .Air and Water PollutionCoal combustion remains a major source of manyair pollutants, including sulfur dioxide that causesacid rain and particulate matter that causes healthimpacts such as asthma. 132 Coal combustion hashistorically been the number one cause of mercurycontamination in US waterways. 133 Half of thenavigable lakes and rivers in the United States areclosed to fishing and swimming at any given time,the majority because of mercury contamination. 134New mercury pollution standards will help, but aPage 24

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