Boligkvalitet og kommunal planlegging - Husbanken

Boligkvalitet og kommunal planlegging - Husbanken

Boligkvalitet og kommunal planlegging - Husbanken


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12quality standards are ultimately incorporated into the master plan.We asked:− What happens in municipalities whose social housing policyincludes statements on residential quality − does it have animpact on planning within other services etc.? Are thequality statements reproduced in land use plans?We were not sure of finding zoning provisions concerning“universal design” in the municipalities, so we looked at some ofthe municipalities where we could expect a particular focus onthese issues: municipalities resented in the Pilot MunicipalityProject, BU-13, i.e., the Government’s pr<strong>og</strong>ramme to easeaccessibility for people with disabilities (see Regjerningen handlingsplanfor økt tilgjengelighet for personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne. En planforuniversell utforming innen viktige samfunnsområder). Municipalitieshave worked across a broad front, with inter-municipalbrainstorming and learning sessions during which cross sectoralprojects were hammered out and formed into sub-projects.Municipal planning under the provisions of the Planning andBuilding Act met with a great deal of interest at these meetings.Several municipalities took steps to incorporate universal design inthe drafting stages of the master plan, and a subproject under BU31 was created (BU 31-3) to investigate how universal design couldbe integrated effectively and sensibly. We wanted to study whathappened in these municipalities:−When municipalities have formulations on residential qualitystandards in their zoning plans, what standards do they havein mind? What is their experience of the zoning plan as apolicy instrument to promote residential standards based onuniversal design? Has it made any difference to developmentplans or the handling of building permits?− Do the municipalities use other ways of promotingintegration of the desired housing quality standards? If theanswer is yes, how do they work?Methodol<strong>og</strong>y and dataThe project relies mostly on document studies of plans and policyobjectives posted on the websites of the municipalities orcontained in material they provided for us. We also obtainedinformation from interviews.NIBR-rapport: 2009:8

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