Ultralydsymposium - NORSK FORENING FOR ULTRALYD ...

Ultralydsymposium - NORSK FORENING FOR ULTRALYD ...

Ultralydsymposium - NORSK FORENING FOR ULTRALYD ...

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CEUS: Tips and TricksHP WESKOTT Central Ultrasound Department, Klinikum Siloah, KRH, Hannover,GermanyThis lecture will deal with how to perform a contrast study, what the indications are, therisks and how to deal with the very rare anaphylactoid complication. The ideal contrastdose depends on the US device and probe used, the organ and the clinical problem that hasto be solved. A tiny amount of US CA may be used for imaging the esophageal-gastricjunction and fistulas, like in Crohn`s disease. The different contrast modes will bediscussed as well as the advantages of bolus injection and the infusion technique.Examples will be given on how to characterize the quality of contrast performance ingeneral (like sensitivity, temporal and spatial resolution) and for the different scanningconditions as well. The UCA kinetics of different organs such as the liver, kidney,pancreas and spleen will be explained. Scanning technique for all three contrast phases andhow to document CEUS examinations will be subject of the lecture. Calculation of transittimes of the liver will be demonstrated and its clinical impact explained. When performingand interpreting CEUS exams, the most important artifacts will be demonstrated. Examplesof how to perform 3-D contrast imaging of hypervascular tumors liver tumors will also begiven.

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