rotationslaser dw075 - Service après vente - Dewalt

rotationslaser dw075 - Service après vente - Dewalt

rotationslaser dw075 - Service après vente - Dewalt

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Protecting the EnvironmentSeparate collection. This product mustnot be disposed of with normalhousehold waste.Should you find one day that your DEWALT productneeds replacement, or if it is of no further use to you,do not dispose of it with household waste. Make thisproduct available for separate collection.Separate collection of used productsand packaging allows materials to berecycled and used again. Re-use ofrecycled materials helps pre<strong>vente</strong>nvironmental pollution and reducesthe demand for raw materials.Local regulations may provide for separate collectionof electrical products from the household, atmunicipal waste sites or by the retailer when youpurchase a new product.DEWALT provides a facility for the collection andrecycling of DEWALT products once they havereached the end of their working life. To takeadvantage of this service please return your productto any authorised repair agent who will collect themon our behalf.You can check the location of your nearestauthorised repair agent by contacting your localDEWALT office at the address indicated in thismanual. Alternatively, a list of authorised DEWALTrepair agents and full details of our after-salesservice and contacts are available on the Internet at:www.2helpU.com.GUARANTEEENGLISHDEWALT is confident of the quality of itsproducts and offers an outstanding guaranteefor professional users of the product. Thisguarantee statement is in addition to and inno way prejudices your contractual rights as aprofessional user or your statutory rights as aprivate non-professional user. The guaranteeis valid within the territories of the MemberStates of the European Union and theEuropean Free Trade Area.• 30 DAY NO RISK SATISFACTION GUARANTEE •If you are not completely satisfied with theperformance of your DEWALT tool, simplyreturn it within 30 days, complete with alloriginal components, as purchased, tothe point of purchase, for a full refund orexchange. The product must have beensubject to fair wear and tear and proof ofpurchase must be produced.• ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE CONTRACT •If you need maintenance or service for yourDEWALT tool, in the 12 months followingpurchase, you are entitled to one service freeof charge. It will be undertaken free of chargeat an authorised DEWALT repair agent. Proofof purchase must be produced. Includeslabour. Excludes accessories and spare partsunless failed under warranty.• ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY •If your DEWALT product becomes defectivedue to faulty materials or workmanshipwithin 12 months from the date of purchase,DEWALT guarantees to replace all defectiveparts free of charge or – at our discretion –replace the unit free of charge provided that:• The product has not been misused;• The product has been subject to fairwear and tear;• Repairs have not been attempted byunauthorised persons;• Proof of purchase is produced;• The product is returned complete with alloriginal components.If you wish to make a claim, contact yourseller or check the location of your nearestauthorised DEWALT repair agent in theDEWALT catalogue or contact your DEWALToffice at the address indicated in this manual.A list of authorised DEWALT repair agents andfull details of our after-sales service is availableon the Internet at: www.2helpU.com.35

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