Menneskerettigheter, selvbestemmelsesretten og andre sentrale ...

Menneskerettigheter, selvbestemmelsesretten og andre sentrale ...

Menneskerettigheter, selvbestemmelsesretten og andre sentrale ...


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GÁLDU ČÁLA 3/2007“It also presumes that these peoples arein most cases able to speak for themselvesand to take part in the decision-makingprocess as it affects them. It also presumesthat they have the right to take part in thisdecision-making process, and that theircontribution will be a valuable one in thecountry in which they live.” 134ILO har därvid tydliggjort att det är nödvändigtatt konsultera berörda urfolk t exinnan auktorisering ges till exploatering avnaturtillgångar under jordytan.134 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples: A Guide to ILO Convention No. 169 (1996)92

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