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Menneskerettigheter, selvbestemmelsesretten og andre sentrale ...

Menneskerettigheter, selvbestemmelsesretten og andre sentrale ...


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GÁLDU ČÁLA 3/2007I Människorättskommitténs kommentarerbeträffande Australiens uttalade kommitténvidare, i direkt anslutning till observationernabeträffande självbestämmande,att;“The Committee recommends that theState party take further steps in order tosecure the rights of its indigenous populationunder article 27 of the Covenant.The high level of exclusion and povertyfacing indigenous persons is indicativeof the urgent nature of these concerns. Inparticular, the Committee recommendsthat the necessary steps be taken to restoreand protect the titles and interests ofindigenous persons in their native lands,including by considering amending anewthe Native Title Act, taking into accountthese concernsThe Committee expresses its concern thatsecuring continuation and sustainabilityof traditional forms of economy ofindigenous minorities (hunting, fishingand gathering), and protection of sites ofreligious or cultural significance for suchminorities, which must be protected underarticle 27, are not always a major factor indetermining land use.” 115Beträffande rätten till land och vatten harMänniskorättskommittén vidare, i kommentarertill periodisk rapport från NyaZealand, uttalat att;“The Committee welcomes the furtherpr<strong>og</strong>ress made in the protection and promotionof the rights of Maori under theCovenant, in particular the amendmentsintroduced by the Maori Reserved LandAmendment Act … the Committee noteswith satisfaction that the Act providesfor compensation to be paid to lessors fordelays in carrying out rent reviews and toensure fair annual rents, and providing forcompensation to be paid to (largely non-Maori) lessees under certain circumstances...…While rec<strong>og</strong>nizing the positive measurestaken by the State party with regard tothe Maori, including the implementationof their rights to land and resources, theCommittee continues to be concerned thatthey remain a disadvantaged group inNew Zealand society with respect to theenjoyment of their Covenant rights in allareas of their everyday life. The State partyshould continue to reinforce its efforts toensure the full enjoyment of the Covenantrights by the Maori people.” 116«Också i förhållande till det samiskafolkets självbestämmanderätt harMänniskorättskommittén fokuserat påresursdimensionen.»Också i förhållande till det samiska folketssjälvbestämmanderätt har Människorättskommitténfokuserat på resursdimensionen.I kommitténs ovan nämnda utlåtandebeträffande den norska regeringens fjärdeperiodiska rapport understryker kommittén,med hänvisning till CCPR artikel 1 (2)samernas rätt att råda över sina naturtillgångaroch att inte berövas sina former avförsörjning. Männsikorättskommittén uppmanarvidare Norge att i nästa rapport tillkommittén rapportera om hur Norge avserimplementera artikel 1 (2) i förhållande tilldet samiska folket. Kommittén uttryckervidare, i direkt anslutning till sina kommentarerbeträffande självbestämmande,att denna;“ … remains concerned that while legislativereform work in the field of Sami landand resource rights is in pr<strong>og</strong>ress, traditionalSami means of livelihood, fallingunder article 27 of the Covenant, do notappear to enjoy full protection in relationto various forms of competing public andprivate uses of land.” 117115 UN Document CCPR/CO/69/AU, para. 509 – 510116 FN Dokument CCPR/CO/75/NZL, punkterna 7 och 14117 FN-dokument CCPR/C/79/Add.112/1999, punkt 16. Notera också kopplingen till Artikel 2785

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