Rod Eye Digital User Manual -

Rod Eye Digital User Manual - Rod Eye Digital User Manual -
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Special ModesENDEFRITCapture Function – The capture function is used to save and display anelevation reading.ESPT• In the laser beam – Press the Capture switch once. The saved elevationreading will be displayed as a flashing number.NL• Not in the laser beam – Press the Capture switch once. You now havefive seconds to position the detector in the laser beam. The detectorDAwill beep quickly and the saved reading will flash to indicate a savedNOvalue.SV• Press any switch to return to normal operation.FICalibration Mode – This is a special mode used only when checking theaccuracy of a rotating laser. With power off, press the Power and Accuracyswitches together to enter this mode. This mode is not intended orrecommended for normal use. Turn off power or press the accuracyswitch to exit this mode.Menu FunctionsEntering the Menu: Press the Accuracy and Audio switches together for2 seconds to enter the menu functions. Refer to Keypad graphic.6a. In menu mode, the up arrow scrolls the menu up.6b. In menu mode, the down arrow scrolls the menu down.6c. In menu mode, the enter arrow enters or selects the option.Use the small blue arrows to navigate the menu. Use the blue enter arrowto select and confirm selection. Use the power button to exit the menuscreens.• SENS Sensitivity setting: HI / MD / LO – High (HI) for weak beam orlong distances. Medium (MD) is default setting for normal operation.Low (LO) for reducing interference from outside sources.• AVG Averaging setting: HI / MD / LO – High (HI) for windy or unstableconditions. Medium (MD) is default setting for normal operation. Low(LO) for minimum averaging.6 Rod Eye Digital

Menu Functions (continued)• DRO Digital Readout: ON / OFF – Turns the digital display on or off.• UNIT Units of Measure – Select centimeters (CM), millimeters (MM),feet (FT), fractions of an inch (FR) or inches (IN).• FRC.R Fractional Reduction: ON / OFF – Reduces fractions to lowestcommon denominator when on.• ARRZ Arrow Display: DB / PR – Each bar represents the accuracy (DB- dead band) setting or each bar represents proportionally (PR) thereception range divided by the number of segments.• O.O.B. Out of Beam Display: ON / OFF – When “on” the arrows willdisplay the direction in which to move the detector to find the laserbeam again.• GRD.A Grade Alarm: ON / OFF – When “on” this feature disables theon-grade audio signal for special monitoring applications.• A.S.O. Automatic Shutoff: 24 / 0.5 / OFF – Determines the automaticshutoff time in hours.• TX.L.B. Transmitter Low Battery: OF / 6.7 / 5.0 / 3.3 / 2.7 / 2.3 –When set to 6.7 the laser icon is displayed when the battery of theRugby is almost depleted. (This feature is laser dependent.)• INFO Information: RPS / VER / MODL / S/N – RPS indicates therotating head speed of the laser. VER indicates the software versionof the detector. MODL indicates the model of the detector. S/N indicatesthe serial number of the detector.Note: Most menu functions are stored in memory and will beretained when the units are turned off. Sensitivity, Averaging,Fractional reduction and Grade alarm are reset to their defaultsettings.ENDEFRITESPTNLDANOSVFIRod Eye Digital7

Menu Functions (continued)• DRO <strong>Digital</strong> Readout: ON / OFF – Turns the digital display on or off.• UNIT Units of Measure – Select centimeters (CM), millimeters (MM),feet (FT), fractions of an inch (FR) or inches (IN).• FRC.R Fractional Reduction: ON / OFF – Reduces fractions to lowestcommon denominator when on.• ARRZ Arrow Display: DB / PR – Each bar represents the accuracy (DB- dead band) setting or each bar represents proportionally (PR) thereception range divided by the number of segments.• O.O.B. Out of Beam Display: ON / OFF – When “on” the arrows willdisplay the direction in which to move the detector to find the laserbeam again.• GRD.A Grade Alarm: ON / OFF – When “on” this feature disables theon-grade audio signal for special monitoring applications.• A.S.O. Automatic Shutoff: 24 / 0.5 / OFF – Determines the automaticshutoff time in hours.• TX.L.B. Transmitter Low Battery: OF / 6.7 / 5.0 / 3.3 / 2.7 / 2.3 –When set to 6.7 the laser icon is displayed when the battery of theRugby is almost depleted. (This feature is laser dependent.)• INFO Information: RPS / VER / MODL / S/N – RPS indicates therotating head speed of the laser. VER indicates the software versionof the detector. MODL indicates the model of the detector. S/N indicatesthe serial number of the detector.Note: Most menu functions are stored in memory and will beretained when the units are turned off. Sensitivity, Averaging,Fractional reduction and Grade alarm are reset to their defaultsettings.ENDEFRITESPTNLDANOSVFI<strong>Rod</strong> <strong>Eye</strong> <strong>Digital</strong>7

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