Rangliste - Classement - Club Hygiénique de Châtelaine

Rangliste - Classement - Club Hygiénique de Châtelaine

Rangliste - Classement - Club Hygiénique de Châtelaine


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Championnats <strong>de</strong>s régions jeunesse suisse roman<strong>de</strong> 2006<strong>Rangliste</strong> - <strong>Classement</strong>25.06.06Page 39 / 53B-Finale25/06/2006, 16:20:00rang Nom An <strong>Club</strong> Résultat1. Perrenoud David 91 Lausanne-Sports 2:52,562. Bortolotti Romain SUI 92 Sta<strong>de</strong> Genève 2:56,983. Saâd Dhif 92 CA Marly 2:58,484. Aymon Bastien 91 CA Sion 3:01,955. Ulrich Baptiste SUI 91 Sta<strong>de</strong> Genève 3:05,456. Maillard Kevin SUI 91 CARC Romont 3:06,617. Schaller Damien 92 CA Marly 3:06,898. Repond Brice SUI 92 SA Bulle 3:09,039. Bonjour Allan SUI 91 CEP Cortaillod 3:09,2710. Cibotto Florian SUI 92 Sta<strong>de</strong> Genève 3:09,5511. Stöckli Thierry 92 TV Länggasse 3:11,3312. Praz Simon 92 CA Sion 3:14,9413. Pichon Yann 92 Lausanne-Sports 3:15,4014. Raboud Luca SUI 92 CA Delémont 3:17,3215. Fleury Patrick 92 CA Sion 3:17,9116. Lourenço Kevin POR 91 CA_Viseu Genebra 3:23,81Jobin Fabian SUI 91 SA Bulle pas venuCa<strong>de</strong>ts B - MJB (MU16) - 3000 mFinale24/06/2006, 17:30:00rang Nom An <strong>Club</strong> Résultat1. Caaveiro Adrian 91 Sta<strong>de</strong> Lausanne 9:45,482. Nie<strong>de</strong>rhauser Janik SUI 91 GG Bern 9:51,913. Gavillet Jonas SUI 92 US Yverdon 10:06,194. Grivel Maxime 92 CA Broyard 10:06,315. Roggo Frédéric SUI 91 TSV Düdingen 10:08,666. Burkard Johannes SUI 91 LF_Team Oberwallis 10:11,037. Lüthi Tobias SUI 91 LV Langenthal 10:20,168. Gafner Lukas 91 All-Blacks Thun 10:22,339. Maillard Kevin SUI 91 CARC Romont 10:24,9310. Berthoud Yannick SUI 92 TV Unterseen 10:25,7811. Bernard Steve SUI 91 SG St-Maurice 10:27,2312. Repond Brice SUI 92 SA Bulle 10:40,3213. Dubois Cédéric 91 ST Bern 10:44,6314. Bonjour Allan SUI 91 CEP Cortaillod 11:06,6115. Sterchi Simon SUI 91 TV Unterseen 11:23,57Lausanne / Sta<strong>de</strong> Olympique <strong>de</strong> la Pontaise - Organisation: Lausanne-Sports AthlétismeErstellt mit LAUS pro, copyright© 2001 - 2004 by SLV / mediasprint gmbh, Zofingen, Verein: Lausanne-Sports

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