EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet


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Emnekatalog: TEOL5465<br />

TEOL5465 - Catholic social teaching<br />

Emneansvarlig:<br />

Gunnar Harald Heiene (Gunnar.Heiene@mf.no)<br />

Studiepoeng: 10<br />

Undervisningstermin:<br />

Vår<br />

Avdelingstilhørighet:<br />

Avdelingsråd for teologi<br />

Generell informasjon<br />

The subject is a core subject within the study program Master of Theology, Catholic Theology. It is also an elective within the study<br />

program Master in Religion, Society and Global Issues.<br />

The subject covers three thematic areas within catholic theology: (a) Man as social being, human rights and duties, (b) The Church as<br />

source for premises, advices and social criticism, (c) Catholic social teaching in practice: The Church´s work for peace and human<br />

rights, against poverty and ecological crisis.<br />

Course requirements<br />

Studiekrav<br />

The student will<br />

- Participate in a study tour to Rome (one week)<br />

- Write a book report up to 2,000 words from a limited part of the course syllabus. The topic of the report is selected in cooperation with<br />

the professor and is graded pass/fail<br />

- Discuss preliminary essay drafts from the students in the seminar<br />

- Participate in the evaluation of the curriculum and/or of the learning environment, if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.<br />

Avsluttende vurdering<br />

In order to pass TEOL5465 the student must fulfill all the requirements and write an essay (2800-4000 words). The essay is assessed<br />

with grades (A-F).<br />

Mål og innhold<br />

The goal of this course is to understand the role and content of the social teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in our global society<br />

The students will demonstrate the following skills:<br />

- To demonstrate knowledge of the social teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, as it is expressed in the main social encyklicas,<br />

important conciliar documents and other relevant church documents<br />

- To discuss the understanding within the Roman Catholic Church of the human person´s responsibility for society and politics and of<br />

the social and political task of the Church<br />

- To demonstrate knowledge of the Church´s actual work for justice, peace, human rights, etc.<br />

Litteratur<br />


- "An excerpt" i:/in:/from: Preaching justice : Dominican contributions to social ethics in the twentieth century<br />

/ Francesco Compagnoni red./ed. Dublin: Dominican Pub., 2007, s./p. 13-37, 287-304, ISBN/ISSN:<br />

1905604076/9781905604074/9781905604067/1905604068<br />

- Bendikt 16, pave, Caritas in veritate Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2009 , hentet/cited 2010-01-29 fra/from http://tinyurl.com/nhvska<br />

- Boff, Leonardo, Cry of the earth, cry of the poor Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1997, ISBN/ISSN: 1-57075-136-6<br />

- Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, The common good and the Catholic Church's social teaching 1996 ,<br />

hentet/cited 2009-12-18 fra/from http://www.cori.ie/justice/cath_soc_thought/otherdocs/common_good.htm<br />

- Charles, Rodger, "A summary of Christian social teaching" i:/in:/from: Christian social witness and teaching : the Catholic tradition<br />

from Genesis to Centesimus Annus Leominster: Gracewing, 1998 b./vol. 2, s./p. 390-436, 464f.<br />

- Den Romersk-katolske kirke, "§1877-1948" i:/in:/from: Den Katolske kirkes katekisme Oslo: St. Olav, 2001, s./p. 469-481,<br />

ISBN/ISSN: 82-7024-133-4<br />

- Hornsby-Smith, Michael P., An introduction to Catholic social thought Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, ISBN/ISSN:<br />

0-521-86339-2/0-521-68199-5/978-0-521-86339-1 (elektronisk utg.)/978-0-521-68199-5 , hentet fra/cited from<br />

https://proxy.mf.no/login?url=http://www.dawsonera.com/depp/reader/protected/external/AbstractView/S9780511319723<br />

- Tanner, Norman P., "Et utvalg/An excerpt" i:/in:/from: The church and the world : Gaudium et spes, Inter mirifica New York: Paulist<br />

Press, 2005, s./p. 3-90, ISBN/ISSN: 0-8091-4238-4

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