EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet


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Emnekatalog: SAM5143<br />

SAM5143 - Intercultural Communication, Religion and Power<br />

Emneansvarlig:<br />

Ingen faglærer, spør studieresepsjonen@mf.no<br />

Studiepoeng: 10<br />

Undervisningstermin:<br />

Vår (Uregelmessig)<br />

Avdelingstilhørighet:<br />

Avdelingsråd for religion og samfunn<br />

Generell informasjon<br />

This course is an elective in the Master Programme Religion, Society and Global Issues. It will introduce the students to key concepts<br />

and perspectives within the field of intercultural communication, with an emphasis on communication and postcolonial theory. It will also<br />

describe and discuss in issues related to religion and power in intercultural communication. The course will enable the students to<br />

better understand and participate in intercultural communication.<br />

Studiekrav<br />

To complete the course, the student have to:<br />

- Write a book report 1200-2000 words from a limited part of the course syllabus. The topic of the report is selected in cooperation with<br />

the professor and is graded pass/fail.<br />

- Participate in the evaluation of the curriculum and/or of the learning environment, if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term<br />

Avsluttende vurdering<br />

To gain credit for the course the student must fulfil the requirements, and sit for a written examination (6 hours). The written<br />

examination is assessed with a grade A-F.<br />

Mål og innhold<br />

The students are expected to have:<br />

- good knowledge of the characteristic features of the academic discipline intercultural communication<br />

- good knowledge about various theories of communication<br />

- good knowledge of postcolonial theory<br />

- knowledge of power in intercultural communication<br />

- knowledge of intercultural communication and interreligious encounters<br />

Litteratur<br />


- "Chapter 1,3,5-7" i:/in:/from: Intercultural alternatives : critical perspectives on intercultural encounters in theory and practice /<br />

Maribel Blasco et al. red./ed. [Copenhagen]: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2004, s./p. 19-48, 79-102, 133-215, ISBN/ISSN:<br />

87-630-0124-1<br />

- Bennett, Milton J., "Intercultural communication : a current perspective" i:/in:/from: Basic concepts of intercultural communication :<br />

selected readings / Milton J. Bennett red./ed. Yarmouth, Me.: Intercultural Press, 1998, s./p. 1-34, ISBN/ISSN: 1-877864-62-5<br />

- Blommaert, Jan, "Ideologies in intercultural communication" i:/in:/from: Intercultural communication and contact : selected papers<br />

presented at the Nordic symposium at the Centre for Intercultural Communication, School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger, Norway<br />

24 -26 November 1994 / Øyvind Dahl red./ed. Stavanger: Misjonshøgskolens forl., 1995, s./p. 9-27, ISBN/ISSN: 82-7721-014-0<br />

(Kompendium/Compendium)<br />

- Drønen, Tomas Sundnes, "Intercultural communication and religious change : the Dii, Norwegian missionaries and Ferdinand de Saussure"<br />

i:/in<br />

: Studia thelogica 63, nr./issue 1 (2009), s./p. 3-18, ISBN/ISSN: 1502-7791 (Kompendium/Compendium), hentet/cited 1 fra/from<br />

http://tinyurl.com/ya5ewzz<br />

- Eide, Elisabeth, "The loop of labelling : orientalism, occidentalism and the cartoon crisis" i:/in:/from: Transnational media events : the<br />

Mohammed cartoons and the imagined clash of civilizations / Elisabeth Eide et al. red./ed. Göteborg: NORDICOM, 2008, s./p.<br />

151-172, ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-89471-64-1 (Kompendium/Compendium)<br />

- Ellis, Donald G. og Ifat Maoz, "Dialogue, argument and cultural communication codes between Israeli-Jews and Palestinians" i:/in:/from:<br />

Intercultural communication : a reader 12. utg./ed./ Larry A. Samovar et al. red./ed. Boston, Mass.: Wadsworth Cengage Learning,<br />

2009, s./p. 244-250, ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-495-55421-9/0-495-55418-9 (Kompendium/Compendium)<br />

- Fiske, John, "Chapter 1-3" i:/in:/from: Introduction to communication studies 2. utg./ed. London: Routledge, 1990, s./p. 6-63,<br />

ISBN/ISSN: 0-415-04671-8/0-415-04672-6/-978-0-415-04672-5

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