EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet

EMNEKATALOG - Det teologiske Menighetsfakultetet


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Emnekatalog: SAM5142<br />

SAM5142 - Religion and Gender<br />

Emneansvarlig:<br />

Inger Furseth (Inger.Furseth@mf.no)<br />

Studiepoeng: 10<br />

Undervisningstermin:<br />

Vår (Uregelmessig)<br />

Avdelingstilhørighet:<br />

Avdelingsråd for religion og samfunn<br />

Tillatte hjelpemidler ved eksamen: Ingen<br />

Generell informasjon<br />

SAM5142 will provide an understanding of the role of gender in religion. In sociology, categories of gender are seen as institutionalized<br />

cultural and social status. The sacred texts in the world religions offer interpretations of gender, gender roles, and sexuality. These<br />

religions are, in turn, affected by the various ways gender is structured in the societies in which they exist. Women and men have<br />

different roles within the religious communities. Gender also affects their religious faith and experiences. The relationship between<br />

gender and religion will be discussed in light of examples from around the world.<br />

Studiekrav<br />

To complete the course, the student have to:<br />

- Write a book report of between 1,200 and 2,000 words from a limited part of the course syllabus. The topic of the report is selected in<br />

cooperation with the professor and is graded pass/fail<br />

- Participate in the evaluation of the curriculum and/or of the learning environment, if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.<br />

Avsluttende vurdering<br />

In order to pass SAM5142 the student must fulfill all the requirements and pass the written exam (6 hrs). The exam is assessed with<br />

grades (A-F).<br />

Mål og innhold<br />

The goal of this course is to understand the varied role of religion in relation to gender in various world religions around the globe.<br />

The students will demonstrate the following skills:<br />

- To discuss different sociological theories on gender<br />

- To demonstrate knowledge of the different ways in which gender affects world religions<br />

- To understand the role of religion in interpretations of gender, gender roles, and sexuality<br />

- To demonstrate knowledge of women and men´s religious faith and experiences in various religions around the world<br />

Litteratur<br />


- Aune, Kristin, Sonya Sharma og Giselle Vincett, Women and religion in the West : challenging secularization Aldershot: Ashgate,<br />

2008, ISBN/ISSN: 0-7546-5870-8/978-0-7546-5870-2/9780754690238 (e-bok) , hentet fra/cited from<br />

https://proxy.mf.no/login?url=http://www.dawsonera.com/depp/reader/protecte-d/external/AbstractView/S9780754690238 MF<br />

- Bartkowski, John P., The Promise Keepers : servants, soldiers, and godly men New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2004,<br />

ISBN/ISSN: 0-8135-3335-x/0-8135-3336-8<br />

- Furseth, Inger og Pål Repstad, "Chapter 11" i:/in:/from: An introduction to the sociology of religion : classical and contemporary<br />

perspectives Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate, 2006, ISBN/ISSN: 0-7546-5653-5/0-7546-5658-6/978-0-7546-5653-1/978-0-7546-5658-6 ,<br />

hentet fra/cited from<br />

https://proxy.mf.no/login?url=http://www.dawsonera.com/depp/reader/protecte-d/external/AbstractView/S9780754682516 MF<br />

- Furseth, Inger, "An excerpt" i:/in:/from: From quest for truth to being oneself : religious change in life stories Frankfurt am Main:<br />

Peter Lang, 2006, s./p. 19-180<br />

- Mahmood, Saba, Politics of piety : the Islamic revival and the feminist subject Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2005,<br />

ISBN/ISSN: 0-691-08694-x/0-691-08695-8/978-0-691-08695-8<br />

- McHugh, Ernestine Louise, Love and honor in the Himalayas : coming to know another culture Philadelphia: University of<br />

Pennsylvania Press, 2001, ISBN/ISSN: 0-8122-1759-4/0-8122-3586-x<br />

- Woodhead, Linda, "Religion and gender" i:/in:/from: Religions in the modern world : traditions and transformations<br />

/ Linda Woodhead red./ed. London: Routledge, 2009, s./p. 471-488, ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-415-45891-7 /978-0-415-45890-0

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